Running with Docker To run against a local LiveKit server, a Redis server must be running locally. The Ingress service must be instructed to connect to LiveKit server and Redis on the host. The host network is accessible from within the container on IP: ...
local access to RTSP is not a problem for FFmpeg integration, because it runs locally on your server local access to API is not a problem for Home Assistant Add-on, because Hass runs locally on same server and Add-on Web UI protected with Hass authorization (Ingress feature) external ...
Flexus L实例 提供Matomo应用镜像,该镜像基于Ubuntu 22.04操作系统,采用Docker部署,预装了Nginx、MySQL、phpMyAdmin、Do 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 用于配置Nginx Ingress的注解(Annotations) 具体使用场景和说明请参见为Nginx Ingress配置重定向规则。 配置URL重写规则 表3 URL重写规则注解 参数 类型 描述 nginx....
NGINX Ingress控制器 1及以上版本的插件支持开启准入校验。 nginx配置参数:配置nginx.conf文件,将影响管理的全部Ingress。您可以选择使用“界面化配置”或“YAML配置”,其中“界面化配置”在2.2.75、2.6.26、3.0.1及以上版本的NGINX Ingress控制器插件中支持。 如果您需要配置社区支持的 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 ...
docker run --net=host --help Download prebuild Build from source cargo build --release --package atm0s-media-server ./target/release/atm0s-media-server --help Run Run first WebRTC node:
Your server must be on the same subnet as the camera. If you use docker, you must use "network host".streams: dahua1: onvif://admin:password@ reolink1: onvif://admin:password@ tapo1: onvif://admin:password@
local access to RTSP is not a problem for FFmpeg integration, because it runs locally on your server local access to API is not a problem for Home Assistant Add-on, because Hass runs locally on same server and Add-on Web UI protected with Hass authorization (Ingress feature) external ...
Your server must be on the same subnet as the camera. If you use docker, you must use "network host".streams: dahua1: onvif://admin:password@ reolink1: onvif://admin:password@ tapo1: onvif://admin:password@
Your server must be on the same subnet as the camera. If you use docker, you must use "network host".streams: dahua1: onvif://admin:password@ reolink1: onvif://admin:password@ tapo1: onvif://admin:password@
Running with DockerTo run against a local LiveKit server, a Redis server must be running locally. The Ingress service must be instructed to connect to LiveKit server and Redis on the host. The host network is accessible from within the container on IP:...