juxtapose: Multi-Person Pose Tracking Inference SDK with RTMDet, YOLOv8, GDino, RTMPose (ONNX) & Trackers (ByteTrack & BotSORT) & Tapnet with custom ROIs + FastAPI GPU exe python pytorch object-detection pose-estimation region-of-interest onnx pose-tracking bytetrack yolov8 rtmdet botsort...
- 🔥🔥🔥 Support [RTMDet](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmyolo/tree/main/configs/rtmdet) and [RTMO](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/tree/main/projects/rtmpose) model. - 🔥🔥🔥 Release a [chinese license plate](https://github.com/we0091234/Chinese_license_plate_detection...
发布PP-TinyPose升级版增强版,在健身、舞蹈等场景精度提升9.1% AP,支持侧身、卧躺、跳跃、高抬腿等非常规动作 🔮 场景能力: 发布行人分析工具PP-Human v2,新增打架、打电话、抽烟、闯入四大行为识别,底层算法性能升级,覆盖行人检测、跟踪、属性三类核心算法能力,提供保姆级全流程开发及模型优化策略,支持在线视频流...
tests Support yolox-pose based on mmpose (open-mmlab#694) May 15, 2023 tools Support yolox-pose based on mmpose (open-mmlab#694) May 15, 2023 .gitignore [Feature] Add a tool for scheduler visualization (open-mmlab#479) Jan 18, 2023 .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml Use official isort ...
YOLOX YOLOv8 Faster R-CNN PP-YOLOE+ AutoAssign SSD-Lite FCOS RTMDet-Rotate YOLOX-Pose Keypoint R-CNN RTMPose RTMO 本项目的部署依赖以下项目 ncnn opencv-mobile pnnx 本项目的模型结构和权重文件来自以下项目 detectron2 mmdetection mmyolo
3Branches 0Tags Code This branch is106 commits behindopen-mmlab/mmyolo:main. README Code of conduct License OpenMMLab websiteHOTOpenMMLab platformTRY IT OUT 📘Documentation|🛠️Installation|👀Model Zoo|🆕Update News|🤔Reporting Issues ...
MMPose: OpenMMLab pose estimation toolbox and benchmark. MMHuman3D: OpenMMLab 3D human parametric model toolbox and benchmark. MMSelfSup: OpenMMLab self-supervised learning toolbox and benchmark. MMRazor: OpenMMLab model compression toolbox and benchmark. MMFewShot: OpenMMLab fewshot learning tool...
MMPose: OpenMMLab pose estimation toolbox and benchmark. MMHuman3D: OpenMMLab 3D human parametric model toolbox and benchmark. MMSelfSup: OpenMMLab self-supervised learning toolbox and benchmark. MMRazor: OpenMMLab model compression toolbox and benchmark. MMFewShot: OpenMMLab fewshot learning tool...
发布PP-TinyPose升级版增强版,在健身、舞蹈等场景精度提升9.1% AP,支持侧身、卧躺、跳跃、高抬腿等非常规动作 🔮 场景能力: 发布行人分析工具PP-Human v2,新增打架、打电话、抽烟、闯入四大行为识别,底层算法性能升级,覆盖行人检测、跟踪、属性三类核心算法能力,提供保姆级全流程开发及模型优化策略,支持在线视频...