ESPiLight and rtl_433 conflict on silvercrest .platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa32/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `silvercrest' changed from 4 in .pio/build/rtl_433-9e0770/libb28/libESPiLight.a(protocol.c.o...
RTL 433 ON ESP32 DEVICE - MQTT HOME ASSISTANT Receiving wireless sensors operating in the unlicensed ISM band has been made almost universal withrtl_433and RTL-SDRs. However,recently rtl_433 has been ported over for use on ESP32 microcontrollersthat are combined with CC1101 or SC127X transceiv...
Trial port of the rtl_433 Library for use with OpenMQTTGateway on a ESP32 and a CC1101 Transceiver - Set example back to defaults · mozgy/rtl_433_ESP@408b9ba
But we are recommending CC1101 GDO2 to be connected to ESP32 D27 and GDO0 to be connected to D12, this is different than the LSatan diagram. This is due to the ESP32 using D2 as part of the boot process. And to build the example I use platformio and opened the example folder ...
Trial port of the rtl_433 Library for use with OpenMQTTGateway on a ESP32 and a CC1101 Transceiver - Commits · Entropy512/rtl_433_ESP
Trial port of the rtl_433 Library for use with OpenMQTTGateway on a ESP32 and a CC1101 Transceiver - NorthernMan54/rtl_433_ESP