参考github上用于RTL8811CU的版本(链接 https://github.com/alex14fr/RTL8811CU) make sudo make install reboot
强烈推荐:morrownr/8821cu-20210916: Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8811CU, RTL8821CU, RTL8821CUH and RTL8731AU Chipsets - v5.12.0.4 (github.com) 可以说是一步到位 # 先克隆 git 仓库 git clone https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210916.git cd 8821cu-20210...
Driver for 802.11ac USB adapter with RTL8811CU chipset. Build Status OSBuild status Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Kali Linux 2024.1 LinuxMint 21.3 Cinnamon openSUSE Leap 15.5 A few known wireless cards that use this driver include: Fastoe AC659 USB Wi-Fi Adapter ...
sudo ./install-driver.sh # 运行安装脚本 运行完重启即可
Realtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU USB wifi adapter driver version 5.4.1 for Linux 4.4.x up to 5.4.x Before build this driver make suremake,gcc,linux-headerandgithave been installed. First, clone this repository mkdir -p ~/build cd ~/build ...
NOTE:Install USB Wi-Fi Adapters(RTL8811CU chipset) on GUN/Linux, a few known wireless cards that use this driver include: Fastoe AC650 USB Wi-Fi Adapter Installing the Driver(RTL8811CU Chipset) on Your System: Open a terminal window.Copy & paste the followinginto the terminal window and...
Realtek 8821cu 网卡 Linux 5.x 内核驱动程序 工作站外置 USB 网卡驱动程序。建议使用 install-driver.sh 进行操作安装,内核更新后不会丢失。也可以使用 make;make install 进行安装。安装过程中如缺少 dkms 等软件包,请先安装。安装完成后需要重新启动机器,启动后使用 lsmod | grep 8821 确认驱动程序已经加载。
https://github.com/MingxuZhang/rtl8821cu How to do Install driver copy the whole repo to your PC, enter (your_dir)/rtl8821cu/, open a terminal and type: make sudo make install sudo modprobe 8821cu the driver installed. Plug your USB-wifi-adapter into your PC ...
5G双频网卡:支持2.4G WiFi信号 还支持 5GWiFi信号,真正的双频网卡;全兼容性:支持XP/WIN7/WIN8/WIN8.1系统/WIN10/ Linux系统/Mac OS系统;迷你小巧:迷你外观,如拇指般大小,便于携带;高端芯片:网卡芯片RTL8811CU,数据处理、转发能力更强大;极速传输:600Mbps高速传输,11AC双频速度。
Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8811CU, RTL8821CU and RTL8731AU Chipsets - morrownr/8821cu