RTL1090 offers a choice of parameters to operate the app from a batch file. The select parameter should be added to a Windows commandline or a Windows short cut icon caller entry, e.g. “rtl1090 /run /min” The order of parameters is of no relevance. Parameters: –“/run” automatical...
c:\dev\Dump1090\src> make -f Makefile.Windows CC=cl (or CC=clang-cl). Or using Visual Studio tools: c:\dev\Dump1090\src> msbuild -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform="x86" Dump1090.sln. or start the Visual Studio IDE, open Dump1090.sln, right-click and Build Solution. The ...
The popular RTL-SDR ADS-B decoder RTL1090 requires the rtlsdr.dll and libusb.dll files to be manually downloaded and then placed into the RTL1090 folder. However, now the author of RTL1090 has created an automatic installer which will download and install all the required files automatically....