Windows Server Windows fyrir Internet hlutanna Windows Insider kerfi Windows 365 Þetta efni er ekki í boði á þínu tungumáli. Hér er ensk útgáfa. Hafna viðvörun Bug Check Code Reference- Kernel Live Dump Debugger Reference ...
rsp_tcp: An rtl_tcp compatible IQ Server for SDRplay SDRs The SDRplay team havereleased an updated version of a program called "rsp_tcp"(originally written by F4FHH Nicholas). This is a streaming IQ server for SDRplay devices, which is directly ported from the original rtl_tcp code that...
Windows Server 适用于 IoT 的 Windows Windows 预览体验计划 Windows 365 错误检查 0x100:LOADER_BLOCK_MISMATCH 错误检查 0x101:CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 错误检查 0x102:DPC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 错误检查 0x103:MUP_FILE_SYSTEM 错误检查 0x104:AGP_INVALID_ACCESS ...
[-t [[protocol]] [host [port]] - read IQ data from remote RTL-TCP instance] [-w filename - read IQ data from WAV file, short for -w -gw FILE filename] [-x [server][port] - UDP input of NMEA messages at port on server [-y [host [port]] - read IQ data from remote Spy...
[-S xxx - TCP server for NMEA lines at port xxx] [-T xx - auto terminate run with SDR after xxx seconds (default: off)] [-u xxx.xx.xx.xx yyy - UDP destination address and port (default: off)] [-v [option: xx] - enable verbose mode, optional to provide update frequency of ...
RTL-SDR or equivalent SDR peripheral, and have already installed and tested rtl_tcp or work-alike on your Mac, Raspberry Pi, or other server. Note that this app requires a very high bandwidth network connection in order to receive streams of real-time RF samples from an rtl_tcp server. ...
支持TCP/IPv6 和 UDP/IPv6 校验和卸载 支持局域网唤醒 默认支持并启用 EEE ( Energy Efficient Ethernet ) ,也可以在驱动 Info.plist 中关闭该选项 由于校验和卸载不适用于巨型帧 ( Jumbo Frames ),因此不支持 不支持32位内核 安装 在安装本驱动程序之前,必须删除任何已安装的 RTL8111/8168 驱动程序。
Group Description RTL1090 is a DVB-T dongle to Mode-S converter app . Supported dongles: RTL2832U interface+tuners: E4000, R820T (latter preferred) Designed for Windows (any version). Mode-S and Mode A/C decoding with TCP server. Data output encoded by Beast Binary or AVR Coding, compat...
它运行TCP通讯端服务器,并连续接受Wi-Fi中的任何连接请求网路或乙太网。连接到通讯端用户端时,它将根据资料做出回应以及协定中的规则。服务器支援四个请求–初始化Wi-Fi连接(iniWi-Fi),连接测试 (iniConnection),学习新的IR代码(iniLearn),然后通过IR发送IR代码收发器(iniControl)。使用者必须连接到...
TCPwindowsize:901KByte(default) --- [3]local192.168.31.12port37188connectedwith192.168.31.166port5001 [ID]IntervalTransferBandwidth [3]0.0-60.0sec10.8GBytes1.55Gbits/sec There’s an improvement to the download speed (was 600 Mbps with cdc_ncm driver), ...