RTL-SDR V3..RTL-SDR V3和V4都是业余无线电爱好者常用的软件定义无线电接收器。一般来说,V4相比V3有一些改进,比如更好的传感器和低噪声放大器。因此,如果预算充足,我建议选择V4,因为它在性能上会稍微优于
我们先安装RTL-SDR驱动。我们需要V3的Keenerd驱动程序,因为这些驱动程序是允许我们在直接采样Q-branch模式下运行rtl_sdr软件的唯一驱动程序。这是RTL-SDR V3中HF接收所需要的。 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev git cmake -y gitclonehttps://github.com/keenerd/rtl-sdrcdrtl-sd...
4.5V USB powered bias tee - This allows the RTL-SDR to power low noise amplifiers (like the LNA4ALL, HABAMP, RTL-SDR Blog ADS-B LNA) and active antennas through the coax cable. Can be enabled in software (see V3 / V4 users guide). HF Direct Sampling Mode (V3) or HF Upconversion...
-, 视频播放量 1850、弹幕量 0、点赞数 27、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 16、转发人数 3, 视频作者 峰哥爱耍机_BG4QL, 作者简介 业余摄影师、无人机飞手业余无线电爱好者,呼号:BG4QL 爱好吃,尤其包子,相关视频:【业余无线电】安卓平板玩SDR的绝佳搭档:SDR++,可能是最好
【业余无线电】RTL SDR v3开箱峰哥爱耍机_BG4QL 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 7184 1 00:54 App 调试RTL-SDR设备,无意中进了高考英语听力频道,满满的回忆,祝考生们好运 7947 2 07:40 App 为适配RTL-SDR V4版本,更新SDR软件包效果演示 7597 6 07:18 App RTL-SDR开箱及测试 6474...
This repository presents theAIS-catchersoftware, a versatile dual-channel AIS receiver that is compatible with a wide range of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). These include RTL-SDR dongles (such as the ShipXplorer AIS dongle and RTL SDR Blog v4), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay, ...
For most of our testing, we have used the RTL-SDR v3 dongle where in principle no frequency correction is needed as deviations are guaranteed to be small. For optimal reception though ensure you determine the necessary correction, e.g. see and provide this as input via the -p switch on ...
RTL-SDRv3是一款由RTL-SDR Blog推出的软件定义无线电(SDR)接收器。它采用了R820T2调谐器和RTL2832U芯片,具有高性能和灵敏度。此外,它还搭载了1PPM TCXO,确保了非常高的频率稳定性。RTL-SDRv3支持频率范围广泛,能够覆盖从500kHz到1.7GHz的频段,满足了各种无线电接收需求。该设备还配备了SMA连接器,方便用户连接不...
I had to follow the instructions on the RTL-SDR V3 info page, and make sure I added the enable code line to the very first script that runs. The bias-tee will not enable if the dongle is actively being used by a running program, so you have to get in there first with the ‘...
本教程的灵感来自dg0opk关于使用单片机监控QRP的视频和博客文章。我们将教你使用RTL-SDR V3和树莓派3建立一个超低成本的QRP监测站。总成本应该在56美元左右(RTL-SDR V3为21美元,Pi 3为35美元)。 通过这个设置,你将能够连续地同时监视同一频段内的多个模式(例如,同时监视20个FT8、JT65+JT9和WSPR测试仪)。在...