RTL-SDR接收器的主要问题之一是来自广播FM、广播AM和DAB等强广播电台的过载。通过使用三工电路,我们可以利用R828D调谐芯片上的三个输入来提供一些滤波。三工器将输入信号分为HF (0 ~ 28MHz)、VHF (28MHz ~ 250MHz)和UHF+ (250MHz ~ 1.766 GHz)。这意味着当我们调到高频和超高频频段时,来自88-108MHz的强...
4475 1 05:05 App 【自制】4款SDR评测(下) 1.7万 3 01:35 App 【业余无线电】可能是地表最强的HackRF PortaPack H3 7772 2 07:40 App 为适配RTL-SDR V4版本,更新SDR软件包效果演示 1.4万 6 04:19 App 用hackrf one重放攻击一辆车|仅供学习讨论 2507 0 03:25 App 上变频RTL-SDR VS AIRSPY HF+ ...
The main RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle improvements include: Improved HF Receptionthanks to a built-in upconverter instead of using a direct sampling circuit. Some positive consequences are that there’s no more Nyquist folding of signals around 14.4 MHz, improved sensitivity, and adjustable gain on HF...
SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, Airspy HF+, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay and FunCube receiversdrrtl-sdrhackrftransmitterysfairspyfuncube-dongled-stardmrsdrplaybladerflimesdrdpmrplutosdrairspyhffuncube UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 ...
*/ band = (freq <= MHZ(28.8)) ? HF : ((freq > MHZ(28.8) && freq < MHZ(250)) ? VHF : UHF);/* switch between tuner inputs on the RTL-SDR Blog V4 */ if (band != priv->input) { priv->input = band;/* activate cable 2 (HF input) */ ...
Later in August we alsoreleased the RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle, a limited edition RTL-SDR that makes use of existing stockpiles of R828D tuner chips. It has improved HF performance thanks to an upconverter, and improved filtering on the VHF and UHF bands. ...
Using an RTL-SDR.COM dongle (genuine model V4) and a computer with SDR Sharp you can get quite good reception of HF signals. However reception can sometimes be spoiled by overload from signals on or away from the desired reception frequency. The 'HF Helper' presented here can reduce these...
RTL-SDR开箱及测试 akjlshfb 7207 6 04:10 HDSDR v2.81B6 RTL-SDR V4 汉化绿色专版 20230905 BG1ICA 1191 0 05:38 四倍差价,RTL SDR能打得过Airspy HF+吗?多波段实测对比来了! zjummx 3765 2 08:05 两款常见的SDRPlay RSP1对比 海螺街124号 4050 0 00:30 SDR#使用RTL SDR v3接收FM...
事实告诉你如何混音器破解RTL-SDR加密狗上的HF,短波 - 灯火下楼台于20171025发布在抖音,已经收获了5个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
extra ESD protection and an SMA F connector. It also has a software activatable bias-tee for powering LNA's and active antennas. It also has HF reception capabilities. Most standard RTL-SDR dongles can tune down to 24 MHz at the lowest. This model has a built in upconverter, and allows...