TheRTL-SDR software defined radiocombined withSDRSharpand a program called“digital speech decoder” (DSD)can be used as a radio scanner to easily and cheaply listen to unencrypted digital radio voice conversations. Digital radio voice communications are becoming more commonly used in the radio spect...
Decoding P25 with RTL-SDR. Contribute to spytor/decode development by creating an account on GitHub.
SDRTrunk is a cross platform Java based piece of software that can be used for following trunked radio conversations. In addition to trunk tracking it also has a built in P25 Phase 1 decoder. Compared to Unitrunker SDRTrunk is an all-in-one package, and currently it supports most trunking...
Continue reading“Junk Box Build Helps Hams With SDR”→ Portable Multi-SDR Rig Keeps Your Radios Cool September 3, 2024byTom Nardi12 Comments With as cheap and versatile as RTL-SDR devices are, it’s a good idea to have a couple of them on hand for some rainy day hacking. In fact, ...
The OpenEar is windows based project that try to decoding protocols by RTL-SDR (Tetra, DMR,P25, ADS-B,Pocsag...) openear can decode various type of protocols in future Phases 1: (minimum GUI) ✔️ 2: (Streaming) ✔️ 3: (FM/AM Demodulator ) ✔️ ...
“turn-key” applications developed that leverage the high availability of low-cost SDRs. One such project isdump1090, a ADS-B decoder that was specifically developed for use with the RTL-SDR. With a distributed network of receivers, the software has allowed the community to democratize flight ...
Programmer Tyler Watt has been working onsoftware that automatically logs each call from an RTL-SDR running DSD(Digital Speech Decoder) and then stores it in a time stamped database as an mp3 file. There is also a web front end for the database which allows public users to search and pla...
Back in Marchwe postedabout the release of OpenEar, a standalone TETRA decoder for the RTL-SDR. Since then OpenEar has undergone massive developments, not only improving upon the TETRA decoder, but adding DMR, ADS-B and POCSAG decoders as well as a waterfall display. ...
DSD+ (Digital Speech Decoder+) is a popular Windows tool that can be used together with an RTL-SDR to decode digital speech signals such as P25 and DMR. There is unfortunately no version for OSX. However, recently on YouTube userMatthew Millerhas uploaded a video showing DSD+ running with...
An HF upconverter such as the recommendedSpyVerterorham-it-up, or a dongle modded fordirect sampling(such as our already moddedV3 dongle), or SDR# modded to use theexperimental Oliver Jowett HF driverfor regular RTL-SDR dongles. The DREAM DRM decoding software with AAC decoder. ...