步骤一:安装 Python首先,你需要在你的 Windows 电脑上安装 Python。请确保选择与你的操作系统位数(32位或64位)相匹配的 Python 版本。你可以从 Python 官网下载并安装最新版本的 Python。步骤二:安装 pyrtlsdr在Python 环境中,你可以使用 pip(Python 的包管理器)来安装 pyrtlsdr。打开命令提示符(cmd)或 PowerSh...
Windows下连接RTL-SDR直接使用命令听FM广播 本博客是为了实现在windows下直接用RTL-SDR命令来使用RTL-SDR设备接收广播信号。 电脑需要先配置ffmpeg环境变量,请参见博客“windows下配置ffmpeg环境变量”。 下载地址: https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/windows/rtl-sdr/ 里面有很多个版本,我下载的是“rtl-sdr-64bit-2...
另,原文地址在此:http://rtlsdr.org/softwarewindows Installing SDR# Manual To install SDR#manually in Windows you need4things:在Windows上安装SDR#需要做的准备 A compatible Realtek RT2832U device一只Realtek RT2832U电视棒 Zadig电视棒的开源驱动 SDR#SDR#软件 A functioning Windows XP or better PC....
UPDATE:Khanfar hasreleased the code on GitHubunder the GPLV3 licence, so all licensing concerns are alleviated. Fosphor Spectrum Visualization Windows Version TechMinds: Using your RTL-SDR Locally with Just a Web Browser In the latest video on the TechMinds YouTube channel, Matt shows how an ...
4 GHz WiFi天线,RTL-SDR, GOES LNA,如果使用goestool,还需要一个树莓派,否则可以使用Windows PC。
UPDATE:Khanfar hasreleased the code on GitHubunder the GPLV3 licence, so all licensing concerns are alleviated. Fosphor Spectrum Visualization Windows Version TechMinds: Using your RTL-SDR Locally with Just a Web Browser In the latest video on the TechMinds YouTube channel, Matt shows how an ...
WindowsBinariesand Buildinginstructionsfor many systems are provided below. Pre-built container images containing AIS-catcher areavailablefrom the GitHub Container Registry. Usage AIS-catcher began as a basic decoder for RTL-SDR dongles, offering on-screen output and UDP transmission for key aggregation...
乐鑫 RTL-SDR 和 SDR-Sharp 和 CubicSDR 入门指南说明书 Getting Started with RTL-SDR and SDR- Sharp and CubicSDR Created by lady ada https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-rtl-sdr-and-sdr-sharp Last updated on 2023-08-29 02:32:35 PM EDT ©Adafruit Industries Page 1 of 22 ...
RTL-SDR homepageExperimental Github RepoWindows BuildsIndieGoGo projectFeaturitis home page T#100(8)Work on rtl_fm T#113(7)Trunking support T#112(7)Multiple dongles (rtl_fm) T#111(7)★Multiple demodulators T#194(7)Left+right mix
If I install RTLSDR-Scanner on Windows, I get this error: C:\Users\Owner>c:\Python27\python.exe -m rtlsdr_scanner Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Python27\lib\runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name) File "c:\Python...