GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 330 million projects.
Error loading librtlsdr. Make sure librtlsdr (and all of its dependencies) areinyour path 8.测试代码 实验步骤 现在言归正传,配置好插件后,我们使用馈线连接好八木天线以及SDR设备,有条件的小伙伴可以加一个LNA效果更佳。设置好后,连接至我们的主机,使用Orbitron等寻星软件提前预测卫星过境时间,开启SDRSharp,调整频率至过境范围,值得注意的是NOAA系列卫星并不止一个,不同的卫星频率不尽...
Over on GitHub, Alejandro Martín has recently released hisopen-source 'rtl-sdr-analyzer' software,which is an RTL-SDR-basedsignal analyzer and automatic jamming detector. The software is based on Python and connects to the RTL-SDR via an rtl_tcp connection. ...
V4需要使用我们的RTL-SDR Blog驱动程序。我们的RTL-SDR博客驱动程序在GitHub上。请务必仔细遵循快速入门指南中的安装说明,因为V4不能与默认的Osmocom驱动程序一起工作。在大多数情况下,使用我们的驱动程序仅仅意味着运行我们的install- rtlsdb -blog.bat文件,或者替换一个dll文件。(我们正在努力上游的主要变化,以渗透的...
win10 rtl-sdr 1. zadig 到 下载 zadig-2.8.exe 下载地址: 2. zadig driver Options -> List All Device 选择Bulk-In, Interface(Interface 0) ...
gitclone 在进一步讨论之前,对于Raspberry Pi 33,我们建议编辑Makefile并将PARAMS_NEON标记更改为以下内容。Makefile可以用“sudo leafpad Makefile”命令打开 -march=armv8-a-mtune=coretx-a53-mfpu=neon-fp-armv8. ...
are limited, as it's only possible to receive up to the LF band, and there are not many signals that low in frequency. However, it is an interesting project that can be used to demonstrate a simple SDR. If you're interested in trying it out, the code is available over on GitHub. ...