由于我们的设计不同,您需要使用我们的RTL-SDR Blog驱动程序分支,该分支为我们的R828D设计增加了兼容性。 另外请注意,由于R828D芯片库存有限,R828D不再生产,V4设计也是有限的设计,我们预计能够销售大约一年。 高频设计 高频设计由带前端滤波的SA612双平衡混频器电路组成,该电路连接28.8 MHz振荡器,该振荡器也用于调谐...
The RTL-SDR Blog V3 is an improved RTL-SDR dongle. RTL-SDR dongles were originally designed for DVB-T HDTV reception, but they were found by hardware hackers to be useful as a general purpose SDR. The standard dongles are okay for DVB-T reception, but are just barely suitable for SDR ...
rtl-sdr-blog Public Forked from osmocom/rtl-sdr Modified Osmocom drivers with enhancements for RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 units. C 321 48 TempestSDR Public Forked from martinmarinov/TempestSDR Remote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform C 115 22 rtl-sdr Public Fo...
After several failed attempts, he was finally able to receive and decode the signal using a fold-out satellite dish with an LNB and an RTL-SDR Blog V4. He also attempts to use the encrypted messaging feature on the blockstream satellites. However, while the message appears to have been rec...
RTL SDR v4单独接收机,RTL SDR v4全套带天线 收音机调谐方式 数字调谐 波段类型 多波段 电池规格 不支持 采购地 中国大陆 图文详情 0 本店推荐 音乐特斯拉线圈音乐盒可触摸音频输入蓝牙音乐电弧人造闪电 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ZmZmZms1qzo5PiUpQTDiNUk/CzqlPNs5ozz2N7QoZCmPMqUGkzmGKdQ5zjR6BqAG1TScM3g6Ljh...
商品名称:RTL-SDRBlogV3R820T2升级R860TTCXO原装软件无线电接收机HF V3接收机+吸盘天线+宽频低 商品编号:10102073801205 店铺:金炫之工业品专营店 货号:640524230876 行业应用:其它 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您...
If you don't have an RTL-SDR Blog Dipole Antenna, you can also build a V-dipole out of an electrical terminal block and a different 3D-printed part, as shown in thisprevious post. 3D Printed V-Dipole Holder February 18, 2025
int is_rtlsdr_blog_v4; uint32_t upconvert_freq; uint32_t lo_freq; uint8_t air_cable1_in; uint8_t open_d; uint8_t band; uint8_t cable_2_in; uint8_t cable_1_in; uint8_t air_in;is_rtlsdr_blog_v4 = rtlsdr_check_dongle_model(priv->rtl_dev, "RTLSDRBlog", "Blog V4"...
This is an RTL SDR blog software defined radio receiver with RTL2832U ADC chip, R828D tuner, 1PPM TCXO, SMA F connector and aluminium case with passive cooling. Tunes from 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz with up to 3.2 MHz (2.4 MHz stable) of bandwidth. Perfect for use as a computer based radio...