AIS-catcher analyzes an enormous stream of bits per day for both AIS channels (2 to the power 33 to be precise). To avoid erroneous messages, the AIS system employs a 16-bit CRC and matching of other bit patterns. Unfortunately, purely statistically this cannot prevent that there will be ...
Formel 1 TV Pro im Stream Deutsche Fans können kein Abo mehr beim Formel-1-Streamingdienst F1 TV abschließen. Nur Bestandskunden dürfen weiterhin an Bord bleiben. Wer aber On-Demand-Zugriffe auf Wiederholungen und historische Rennen streamen will, der kann sich für 26,99 Euro im Ja...
Precision RTL Plus Physically Aware Synthesis in Precision RTL PlusPhysically Aware Synthesis in Precision RTL Plus
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、
The easiest way that we found was to use an online service like goestools guideshows an offline Linux method involving Imagemagick, but we found it too slow to run on a Pi 3. Below is a video of half a day of GOES 17 false color full disk imag...
MVC Plus 系列 中高压固态软起动器 致力于电力电子事业 服务于全球客户 专业的设计制造经验 美国摩托托尼公司(MOTORTRONICS)是世界上最大的专业软起动器 制造商之一,是专业从事生产电机软起动控制系统的世界著名厂家. 以其先进的技术,可靠的质量,专业的制造经验和优质的售后服务在 世界上享有盛誉.是众多国际著名...
First start AIS-catcher to receive a stream (data format is complex float and sample rate is 96K) at a defined ZMQ endpoint: AIS-catcher -z CF32 tcp:// -s 96000 Next we can build a simple GRC model that performs all the necessary steps and has a ZMQ Pub Sink with ...
AIS-catcher analyzes an enormous stream of bits per day for both AIS channels (2 to the power 33 to be precise). To avoid erroneous messages, the AIS system employs a 16-bit CRC and matching of other bit patterns. Unfortunately, purely statistically this cannot prevent that there will be ...
rtlplusz.huは、 January 2025 onlinekozvetites.comと比較して合計訪問数が多かった。 過去3か月の総訪問数 合計訪問数11.6K1.4M 前月の変化52.51%21.57% 平均滞在時間00:00:3800:07:45 ページビュー/訪問1.624.27 ...
First start AIS-catcher to receive a stream (data format is complex float and sample rate is 96K) at a defined ZMQ endpoint: AIS-catcher -z CF32 tcp:// -s 96000 Next we can build a simple GRC model that performs all the necessary steps and has a ZMQ Pub Sink with ...