• The RTL+ app is available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg & Liechtenstein. As a result, we cannot guarantee downloads of the app or updates outside of the countries mentioned.Stay up to date and visit our community for more information: https://community.plus.rtl.de/s/...
Cette rubrique décrit la fonction RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory .SyntaxeC++ Copier int RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory( const void *v1, const void *v2, unsigned long len ); Paramètresv1Définit le paramètre PVOIDv1.v2Définit le paramètre PVOIDv2....
Cette rubrique décrit la fonction RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory .SyntaxeC++ Copier int RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory( const void *v1, const void *v2, unsigned long len ); Paramètresv1Définit le paramètre PVOIDv1.v2Définit le paramètre PVOIDv2....
There are also several low noise amplifier circuits that can be found very cheaply for sale on eBay and most will do a good job. Unfortunately most don't provide a bias tee option like the LNA4ALL or HABamp does. Currently we recommend LNA's based on the SPF5189Z chip as they have ...
[-z [optional [format]] [optional endpoint] - read IQ data from [endpoint] in [format] via ZMQ (default: format is CU8)] Device specific settings: [-ga RAW file: FILE [filename] FORMAT [CF32/CS16/CU8/CS8] ] [-ge Serial Port: PRINT [on/off] ...
Install pavucontrol. It is included in most distributions for example: Ubuntu/Debian:sudo apt-get install pavucontrol openSUSE:sudo zypper in pavucontrol Check the audio config with alsamixer. On the Udoo x86 the HDMI output depends on the S/PDIF control and it occasionally gets muted when the ...
This will send over the NMEA lines plus additional metadata like signal level etc. AIS-catcher can also listen and process NMEA and JSON input when running as a UDP server, e.g.: AIS-catcher -x 4002 Most external programs will not be able to accept these JSON-packaged NMEA...
Now solder back on the reflector and put the whole thing back into the plastic case and your done! You may also want to experiment with reducing the length of the lossy RG-174 coax used on most cheap active GPS antennas, or with instead using lower loss coax like RG6. ...
They're available at a low price because they're intended for a rather large market:DVB-Tor Digital Video Broadcasting — Terrestrial. That standard is used across Europe, Asia outside China, Oceania, and Africa, plus Columbia in South America and some of the Caribbean. ...
select mouse capture toggle method in .bochsrc. - Ported most of Qemu's 'virtual VFAT' block driver (except runtime write support, but plus FAT32 suppport) - Added write protect option for floppy drives. - Bugfixes / improved internal debugger + instrumentation. Detailed change log : - CP...