首先,Verilog并不是一门编程语言。所谓的HDL,即Hardware Description Languange。其用于描述硬件,请记住这个描述二字。对于编程语言,你可以发挥你的想象力,天马行空都可以,但是HDL不可以。你所做的实际上都是在描述数字电路。所以写的越简单越好,不要写花里胡哨的语句。 并且,写代码的时候,时刻思考你的这段代码会生...
Design Compiler is a synthesis tool that converts a design description at the Register Transfer Level (RTL) to a gate-level netlist. The synthesis process performed by Design Compiler typically consists of the following major steps: • Read in the RTL description in Verilog or VHDL format. ...
1.2 VerilogHDL 1.3 Summary Problems SuggestedReading Chapter2 RegisterTransferLevelDesignwithVerilog 2.1 RTLevelDesign 2.2 ElementsofVerilog 2.3 ComponentDescriptioninVerilog 2.4 Testbenches 2.5 Summary Problems SuggestedReading Chapter3 VerilogLanguageConcepts 3.1 CharacterizingHardware...
考虑到当下数字IC的规模和复杂性,动辄就是数十亿个晶体管和数百万个门;Verilog 鼓励代码重用,因为设计将模块分解为更小的可重用组件,等等原因最终可能导致大型且嵌套很深的模块。 对于复杂的数字ic设计和刚接手的新IP,理解模块之间的层级关系和依赖是非常重要的。在代码学习和review的时候,需要提取和查看特定模块及其...
In this, the designer describes the behavior of the circuit using a hardware description language (HDL) such as VHDL or Verilog. These descriptions are then synthesized into a gate-level netlist, which is a representation of the circuit at the level of gates and interconnections. This netlist ...
熟悉FPGA开发的朋友都知道,仿真(Simulation)是FPGA开发中的一个重要的步骤和过程,目前来说用于FPGA仿真的引擎主要有:Aldec公司的Active-HDL / Riviera Pro;Mentor Graphics公司的ModelSim / Questa;Cadence公司的NC-Verilog / NC-VHDL / NCSim以及Synopsys公司的 VCS software。Lattice公司的IDE Diamond 集成了ActiveHDL...
GPIO IP core from opencores. Contribute to xfguo/gpio development by creating an account on GitHub.
Most commercially available synthesis tools expect to be given a design description in RTL form. RTL is an acronym forregister transfer level. This implies that your Verilog code describes how data is transformed as it is passed from register to register. The transforming of the data is performed...
Chip implementation, from a RTL description in a language such as Verilog or VHDL to tapeout in the form of mask tooling data, is the process by which product concepts can become high-value realities. Designers often view chip implementation as comprising logic synthesis, placement, and routing ...