2 打开qtapp.pro文件 下载RTKLIB: demo5 b34i的源码:https://github.com/rtklibexplorer/RTKLIB/archive/refs/tags/b34i.tar.gz (尝试了其他部分版本,有报错。因此推荐RTKLIB: demo5 b34i) 解压后,点击qtcreator的open打开/home/xxx/RTKLIB-b34i/app/qtapp/qtapp.pro文件 点击configure project 点击左边项目-...
To start with, I chose to compare a real-time internal RTK solution using a pair of F9P receivers for base and rover to a real-time internal RTK solution using a pair of LC29HEA receivers. If I was trying to compare the two receivers directly, I would use the same antenna for both ...
Since last year, I had already incorporated all of the changes that were previously in only the GSDC version of RTKLIB, into the main branch of the demo5 fork of RTKLIB. These are in the latest b34f release, so the special release is no longer required. ...
# rtkpost options (2023/07/29 20:37:05, v.demo5 b34h) pos1-posmode =kinematic # (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:static-start,5:movingbase,6:fixed,7:ppp-kine,8:ppp-static,9:ppp-fixed) pos1-frequency =l1+l2 # (1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5,4:l1+l2+l5+l6) pos1...
RTKlib 2.4.3 b34数据测试与性能分析 查看原文 vd 。 9.Ctrl+F5,程序报错:C4703使用了可能未初始化的本地指针变量”sbs”。有两种办法:一、在报错的ephemeris.c的文件中定义“const...;-“否”。 10.Ctrl+F5,程序报错:LNK2019 无法解析的外部符号_imp_timeGetTime@0,该符号在函数_tickget中被引用。有两种...
Prelly95 / RTKLIB-demo5 sbonaime / RTKLIB senselessDev / RTKLIB sergei / RTKLIB ShenZhiheng / RTKLIB Skycatch / RTKLIB billyhotjava / RTKLIB sonicpp / RTKLIB superjax / RTKLIB terokn / RTKLIB theolink / rtklib CWenYx / rtklib troies / RTKLIB ...
binpath=r'C:\gps\rtklib\bins\demo5_b34d' # Choose datasets to process DATA_SET=0# 0=open-sky, 1=partial forest, 2=forest USE_GROUND_PLANE=True# True or False # set input files cfgs=['ppk_ar_1027_snr24']# list of config files to run (files should have .conf ext) ...
For this analysis I used the latest b34_d3 version of the demo5 RTKLIB code for which the Window executables are available on thertkexplorer websiteor the source code is on theb34_dev branch on Github. I did make some recent changes to this code to improve the L1/L5 solutions so you...
(dllexport) /* for Windows DLL */ #else #define EXPORT #endif /* constants ---*/ #define VER_RTKLIB "demo5" /* library version */ #define PATCH_LEVEL "b34k" /* patch level */ #define COPYRIGHT_RTKLIB \ "Copyright (C) 2007-2020 T.Takasu\nAll rights reserved." #define PI 3.141...