rte_rdtsc单位 RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) 汇编指令的单位为 CPU 时钟周期。在大多数现代处理器中,CPU 时钟周期与时钟速度成比例,通常以 GHz(千兆赫)或 MHz(兆赫)为单位表示。因此,使用 RDTSC 指令来测量代码执行时间时,得到的结果通常以时钟周期、纳秒或毫秒为单位。
staticinttimed_lookups(struct efd_perf_params *params){unsignedinti, j, a;constuint64_tstart_tsc =rte_rdtsc();efd_value_tret_data;for(i =0; i < NUM_LOOKUPS / KEYS_TO_ADD; i++) {for(j =0; j < KEYS_TO_ADD; j++) { ret_data = rte_efd_lookup(params->efd_table, test_socke...
> 1. For every packet reception in lcore thread under while(1), will get > the packet received timestamp using rte_rdtsc() function. Whether usage of > rte_rdtsc() function adds more delay in packet processing? > 2. Is there any way to convert rte_rdtsc() timestamp value to current...
*invalid_pos_count =0;for(i =0; i < params->num_iterations; i++) {/* Prepare inputs for the current iteration */for(j =0; j < params->key_len; j++) key[j] = (uint8_t) rte_rand();/* Perform operation, and measure time it takes */begin = rte_rdtsc(); pos = func(...
uint64_t end = rte_rdtsc(); uint64_t cycles = end - start; - __atomic_store_n(&cs->cycles, cs->cycles + cycles, - __ATOMIC_RELAXED); - __atomic_store_n(&service_stats->cycles, + rte_atomic_store_explicit(&cs->cycles, cs->cycles + ...
cur_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); diff_tsc = cur_tsc - prev_tsc;if(unlikely(diff_tsc > drain_tsc)) {uint8_tport_id;for(port_id =0; port_id < n_ports; port_id++) {if(env->tx_mbufs[port_id].len ==0)continue; l2sw_send_burst(env, port_id, env->tx_mbufs[port_id].len); ...
new_sched->birth = rte_rdtsc(); THIS_SCHED = new_sched; status = _lthread_sched_alloc_resources(new_sched);if(status != SCHED_ALLOC_OK) { RTE_LOG(CRIT, LTHREAD,"Failed to allocate resources for scheduler code = %d\n", status); ...
uint64_t t = rte_rdtsc()+100; @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ * line is ready for processing * Sync with distributor to release retptrs */ - __atomic_store_n(retptr64, *retptr64 | RTE_DISTRIB_GET_BUF, - __ATOMIC_RELEASE); + rte_atomic_store_explicit(retptr64, *retptr64 | RTE_DIST...
new_sched->birth = rte_rdtsc(); THIS_SCHED = new_sched; status = _lthread_sched_alloc_resources(new_sched);if(status != SCHED_ALLOC_OK) { RTE_LOG(CRIT, LTHREAD,"Failed to allocate resources for scheduler code = %d\n", status);rte_free(new_sched);returnNULL; ...
diff_tsc = rte_rdtsc() - timestamp;if(unlikely(diff_tsc > timeout))rte_panic("Core %u of type %d does not respond ""to requests\n", p->core_id, p->core_type); }while(status !=0);/* Free message buffer */rte_ctrlmbuf_free(msg); ...