for(;;){uint16_t l=rte_eth_tx_burst(args.port_id,0,&pkt,1);if(l==1){break;}else{RTE_LOG(ERR,USER1,"cannot send packet\n");int r=rte_eth_tx_done_cleanup(args.port_id,0,256);if(r<0){rte_panic("%u. cannot cleanup tx descs: %s\n",i,rte_strerror(-r));}RTE_LOG(W...
struct rte_mbuf *bufs[BURST_SIZE]; //收包,接收到nb_tx个包 //端口,队列,缓冲区,队列大小 const uint16_t nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(port, 0, bufs, BURST_SIZE); if (unlikely(nb_rx == 0)) continue; // 没有读到包就继续下一个 port /* Send burst of TX packets, to second port...
3)配置以太网设备,包括配置队列的个数、接口的配置信息:rte_eth_dev_configure() 4)分配并设置以太网设备的接收队列:rte_eth_rx_queue_setup() 5)分配并设置以太网设备的发送队列:rte_eth_tx_queue_setup() 6)启动以太网设备:rte_eth_dev_start() 7)从以太网接口接收数据包:rte_eth_rx_burst() 1、UDP...
2.3 eth_em_pci_probe 和 rte_eth_dev_pci_generic_probe 在rte_eth_dev_pci_generic_probe函数中,首先会从全局数组rte_eth_devices[]中申请到第一个free的变量,然后再调用pmd特定的dev_init(这里是eth_em_dev_init) static inline int rte_eth_dev_pci_generic_probe(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev, ...
关键参数: struct rte_mempool *mp; 由前文创建的pool rte_eth_tx_queue_setup() 同上。 rte_eth_dev_start() 就是设置好了之后就启动啊,该收的收,该发的发。 rte_eth_promiscuous_enable() 启动混杂模式,不解释。 收发包函数: rte_eth_rx_burst() 收一大批包 ...
'rte_eth_tx_burst()' sends packets to the kernel, so it shouldn't free the mbufs, right, userspace can't know when kernel side will be done with them. When kernel side is done, it puts the mbufs into 'free_q' fifo, 'kni_free_mbufs()' pulls the mbuf from 'free_q' fifo ...
Re: [dpdk-dev] rte_eth_tx_burst improperly freeing mbufs from KNI mbuf pool Sorry, I meant that "the mbufs will not be freed as the threshold for freeing seems to not be based on the pool the mbuf originated from, but based on the pool the PMD is configured to use"...
rte_vhost_enqueue_burst通知虚拟机eventfd_write staticinline uint32_t __attribute__((always_inline)) virtio_dev_rx(structvirtio_net *dev, uint16_t queue_id,structrte_mbuf **pkts, uint32_t count) {structvhost_virtqueue *vq;structvring_desc *desc;structrte_mbuf *buff;/*The virtio_hdr is...