NET-2403,14路热电阻采集模块,可直接采集热电阻信号 模拟量输入 A/D转换器:AD7124-8; 转换精度:24位; 采样方式:多通道异步采样; 有效分辨率:18~19位; 采样速率:每路1SPS~4SPS; 测温精度:±0.5℃; 输入阻抗:不低于3M; AD触发方式:软件触发; 模拟信号输入方式:双端; 测量类型:14路热电阻传感器; 热...
RTD模块是一种将RTD传感器连接到控制系统或数据采集系统的接口设备。它们提供信号调理、放大和转换功能,并将RTD电阻变化转换为可读取的温度值。RTD模块通常提供模拟输出(如4-20mA或0-10V)或数字输出(如RS-485、Modbus或HART)。 RTD模块的类型 与温度变送器类似,RTD模块也有多种类型可供选择: DIN导轨式RTD模块:这...
The project contains an RTD Server module, which is the core part of every Excel RTD Server developed with Add-in Express. The file name for the module is RTDServerModule.vb or RTDServerModule.cs for VB.NET and C# projects respectively. You place RTD Server Topic components onto the module...
RTD(电阻温度检测器)是一种温度传感器,它基于金属的电阻随温度变化的原理。RTD由纯金属丝或薄膜制成,当温度发生变化时,其电阻会发生相应变化。这种电阻变化与温度之间存在高度线性和可预测的关系,使RTD成为精确测量温度的理想选择。 RTD的工作原理 RTD的工作原理基于金属的电阻温度系数(TCR),即电阻随温度变化的速率。...
Develop MS Office customizations (COM add-in, smart tag, Excel user-defined function (UDF), XLL addin and RTD server) in Visual Studio .NET, VSTO and Delphi for Office. VB.NET, C++, C# are supported.
RTD Company ProductsRTD Company
NOTE: Not all the functionalities of the Lightstreamer .NET Client & Local RTD Server for Excel demo are exposed by the classes listed above. You can easily expand those functionalities using the PCL/C# Client API as a reference: ...
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This project includes a demo showing integration between Lightstreamer .NET/C# client library and RTD Server for Excel - Lightstreamer/Lightstreamer-example-StockList-client-rtd