RTCA DO-245A-2004相似标准 SJ/T 11427-2010 基于GNSS精密进近局域增强系统(LAAS)的空间信号格式GB/T 39611-2020 卫星导航定位基准站术语GB/T 19391-2003 全球定位系统(GPS)术语及定义RTCA DO-253A-2001 GPS局域增强系统机载设备的最低运行性能标准RTCA DO-253B-2007 GPS局域增强系统机载设备的最低运行性能标...
DO-245 DO-245A.pdf DO-246B DO-246C DO-246D DO-247 DO-248B DO-249 DO-250 DO-251 DO-252 DO-253A DO-253B DO-253C DO-254 DO-255 DO-256 DO-257A DO-258 DO-258A DO-259 DO-260 DO-260AChg1 DO-260AChg2 DO-260A-V1 DO-260A-V2 DO-260Chg1 DO-261 DO-262 DO-262A DO...
DO-245 DO-245A.pdf DO-246B DO-246C DO-246D DO-247 DO-248B DO-249 DO-250 DO-251 DO-252 DO-253A DO-253B DO-253C DO-254 DO-255 DO-256 DO-257A DO-258 DO-258A DO-259 DO-260 DO-260AChg1 DO-260AChg2 DO-260A-V1 DO-260A-V2 DO-260Chg1 DO-261 DO-262 DO-262A ...
EUROCAE ED-245 ARINC 809-3 ARINC 810-5 ARINC 818-2 ARINC 832-1 BSI BS ISO 22072 DIN EN 9115 DIN EN 9115 EUROCAE ED-114A EUROCAE ED-194A FAA FO 8110.105A FAA FO 8110.55B FAA FO 8150.1D NASA-HDBK-8739.23 REV A ARINC 766 RTCA DO-227A EUROCAE ED-103A EU...
15、etingdo-290 services: version aligned with “osed_dec14_for_feb2008_plenary_review-1.doc”.atn reference is changed to a mix of doc 9705 ed2 (ulcs and ics), doc xxx (pm-fis and pm-ads) and doc 9880 (cm and cpdlc). no pdrs are identified for cm, cpdlc, ads and fis, ...
loop)DCL: Add new DM118 departureClearanceRequestData to replace pre-formatted free text DCL: Correction of Bug in ASN.1 definition of Departure Clearance (route information must be a sequence of wp, not a si 23、ngle wp).Add new tutorial annex on backward compatibility for DO280 services....
RTCA DO-245A-2004由US-RTCA 发布于 2004,并于 2004-12-09 实施。RTCA DO-245A-2004 局域增强系统(LAAS)的最低航空系统性能标准的最新版本是哪一版?RTCA DO-245A-2004已经是当前最新版本。点击查看大图 标准号 RTCA DO-245A-2004 发布 2004年 发布单位 US-RTCA 购买 正式版RTCA...
18、rement for ads/fis. issue: a) there is no means to dynamically identify the remotes capability (do280 or do280+), b) message set identifier used in checksum computation. the build-in issue is not possible (message set identifiers will be different, baseline 1 system abort for message...
本专题涉及rtca do245的标准有2条。国际标准分类中,rtca do245涉及到。在中国标准分类中,rtca do245涉及到。RTCA - RTCA@ Inc.,关于rtca do245的标准RTCA DO-245-1998 局域增强系统(LAAS)的最低航空系统性能标准 US-RTCA,关于rtca do245的标准RTCA DO-245A-2004 局域增强系统(LAAS)的最低航空系统性能标准...
RTCA DO-245-1998相似标准SJ/T 11427-2010 基于GNSS精密进近局域增强系统(LAAS)的空间信号格式 RTCA DO-253A-2001 GPS局域增强系统机载设备的最低运行性能标准 RTCA DO-253C-2008 GPS局域增强系统机载设备的最低运行性能标准 RTCA DO-253B-2007 GPS局域增强系统机载设备的最低运行性能标准 GB/T 39611-2020 ...