RTCA DO-332-2011 发布 2011年发布单位 RTCA - RTCA@ Inc.适用范围 当面向对象技术或相关技术用作软件开发生命周期的一部分并且需要额外指导时,本补充确定了对 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 目标的添加、修改和删除。本补充@与DO-178C@一起旨在为基于面向对象技术(OOT)和相关技术(RT)的系统的评估和验收提供通用框架...
标准号:DO-278A 适用范围: 本报告由RTCA特别委员会SC-205和EUROCAE工作组WG-71共同编制,于2011年12月13日获得批准。该报告为通信、导航监视与空中交通管理(CNS/ATM)系统的软件完整性保证提供了指导性建议。 RTCA, Inc.是一家非盈利组织,旨在促进航空及相关电子系统的发展和科学进步,以造福公众利益。本报告详细描...
With the release of the new development guidance for certifiable aviation software, RTCADO-178C/DO-278A, executives and business managers for manufacturers of both airborne and ground- based systems are examining the short- and long-term impacts on their certifiable-productdevelopment approaches w...
With the release of the new development guidance for certifiable aviation software, RTCADO-178C/DO-278A, executives and business managers for manufacturers of both airborne and ground- based systems are examining the short- and long-term impacts on their certifiable-productdevelopment approaches with ...
THE GOLD STANDARD FOR AVIATION SINCE 1935Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 20 p. PD ISO TS 05733-2024 36 p. PD CEN TS 18078-2024 26 p. NSF ANSI 177-2023 179 p. NFPA 58-2024 40 p. ISO TS 22583-...
Complex products, such as an aircraft, require a large number of software projects developed in parallel. The development of airborne software, using the DO-178C, is a challenge and metrics can help the evaluation and adherence. This paper provides a summary of master thesis approved in the Br...
标准号:RTCA DO-331-2011 中文标准名称:RTCA DO-331-2011 英文标准名称: Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A 发布日期:2011 实施日期:2011-12-13 相关标准 《GB/T25000.51-2016Cl.5.3.11》系统与软件工程 系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE) 第51部分:就绪可用软件产...
为了 给基于模型的开发和验证活动的合格审定提供明确 的指南,也为了推进这项技术在工业界的发展,美国 航空无线电委员会 (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics ,简称 RTCA) 于 2011 年以 DO-178C 补充 文档的形式发布了 1 份标准 DO-331 [3]《基于模型的 开发和验证 ( 对于 DO-178C 和 DO-278A ...
Highly complex software, however, cannot be exhaustively tested and only assured through a structured, process, activity, and objective-based approach. This paper studied the development processes and objectives applicable to different software levels based on RTCA/DO-178C, and identified 82 technical ...
Supporting Information for DO-178C and DO-278A 标准号 RTCA DO-248C-2011 2011年 总页数 167页 发布单位 US-RTCA 购买 正式版 其他标准 RTCA DO-178C-2011 机载系统和设备认证中的软件注意事项 RTCA DO-248C-2011相似标准 RTCA DO-248C 2011支持DO-178C和DO-278A的补充信息RTCA DO-333-2011DO-178...