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tl-rtc-file-tool是一款非常实用的基于WebRTC的跨平台文件传输工具,它具有高效、安全、易用等优点,可以满足用户在不同场景下的需求。如果你需要一款快速、安全的文件传输工具或者需要远程屏幕共享、音视频通话等功能,那么tl-rtc-file-tool绝对是一个值得尝试的选择。 演示地址:...
tl-rtc-file-tool 是一个基于WebRTC协议的开源在线工具箱,主要功能包括在线文件传输、本地屏幕录制,远程屏幕共享,远程音视频通话,密码房间、直播等功能。支持私有部署,打开浏览器即开即用。@Appinn 来自发现频道,@iamtsm 同学的自荐:https://meta.appinn.net/t/topic/45975 不知道大家在平时是否用时候会需要在手机...
The RTC Reclassify Tool in the ASF_Tools ArcGIS Toolbox generates a raster mask based on a threshold value. Any pixels in the input raster with a value below the threshold are classified with a value of 1, and all other pixels are set to No Data. It was designed to be used to genera...
import { parse } from "@webrtc-toolbox/sdp-parser"; const sessionDescription = parse(sdp); printing import { print } from "@webrtc-toolbox/sdp-parser"; const sdp = print(sessionDescription); munging import { parse, print } from "@webrtc-toolbox/sdp-parser"; const sessionDescription =...
ToolBox小白点 34.65MB 查看 NFCTool 34.13MB 查看 FPSToolPro-专业版 3.03MB 查看 PUBGTool 27.48MB 查看 A real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that keeps track of the current time. Although the term often refers to the devices ...
Rtc Tool Cartridge, Punch Holder, Werkzeugkassetten Rtc, Used in Germany Punching Machines US$160.00-260.00 1 Set (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available After-sales Service: Quality Problems, Free Replacement Warranty: 1000000 Punch Shots...
Rtc Tool Cartridge with Die Plate Working in Punching Machine Trumatic_Trupunch_Tc US$20.00-1,500.00 1 Set (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available Warranty: 1000000 Punch Shots Application: Trupunch, Trumatic, TcContact Supplier Chat ...
TL-RTC-File-Tool 最主要的功能就是文件传输。使用者可以通过工具在线传输文件,支持上传和下载,支持多种文件格式,包括图片、视频、音频、压缩包等。在上传和下载过程中,工具使用 P2P 技术,可以大大提高传输速度,节省传输时间。二、屏幕共享 TL-RTC-File-Tool 还支持屏幕共享功能,使用者可以将自己的屏幕内容...
RTC Tool最新版截图 # RTC Tool最新版 A real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that keeps track of the current time. Although the term often refers to the devices in personal computers, servers and embedded systems, RTCs are present ...