The method includes the steps of: checking an RTC checking flag; receiving data by using DMA to carry out RTC-checking; checking the existence or absence of a FED signal after the set-up of the RTC flag; checking the existence or absence of a CDET signal upon detecting an FED signal; ...
“new”:正在收集候选地址,或者正在等待对端返回ICE候选者地址。 “checking”:收到了对等端返回的ICE候选者地址,正在进行配对。 “connected”:找到了一条可用的网络连接。为了找到一条更优的网络路径,仍会继续进行ICE候选者地址收集和配对。 “completed”:结束了ICE候选者地址的收集,并从对端收到没有更多ICE候选...
iceConnectionState: 用来检测远端 candidate 的状态。远端的状态比较复杂,一共有 7 种: new/checking/connected/completed/failed/disconnected/closed 不过,这里为了更好的讲解 WebRTC 建立连接的基本过程。我们使用单页的连接来模拟一下。现在假设,有两个用户,一个是 pc1,一个是 pc2。pc1 捕获视频,然后,pc2 建立...
ICE connection state: new => checking => disconnected Connection state: new => connecting => failed Signaling state: new => have-local-offer => stable ICE Candidate pair: (not connected) ICE 术语 Trickle ICE:如果端点位于同一网络中,则加强连接设置。如果 TURN 服务器响应 ICE 请求,请从此回购中...
Enables stack frame run-time error checking, as follows: Initialization of local variables to a nonzero value. This helps identify bugs that do not appear when running in debug mode. There is a greater chance that stack variables will still be zero in a debug build compared to a release bu...
Enables stack frame run-time error checking, as follows: Initialization of local variables to a nonzero value. This option helps identify bugs that don't appear when running in debug mode. There's a greater chance that stack variables still have a zero value in a debug build compared to a...
传输协议协商:通过 SDP 交换,通信双方可以了解对方支持的传输协议(如 RTP、RTCP、DTLS 等),从而选择一个双方都支持的传输协议进行通信。 ICE 候选地址交换:通过 SDP 交换,通信双方可以互相告知自己的 ICE 候选地址(包括本地地址、反射地址和中继地址),从而协助 ICE 连接建立。
在WebRTC 中,SDP 用于在通信双方之间交换音视频编解码器、传输协议、IP 地址和端口等信息。SDP 交换通常通过信令服务器进行。当一个用户想要与另一个用户建立通信连接时,首先会创建一个 SDP offer,包含自己的媒体参数和能力。然后,通过信令服务器发送给对方。接收方收到 SDP offer 后,会根据自己的能力和需求创建一...
Enables stack frame run-time error checking, as follows:Initialization of local variables to a nonzero value. This option helps identify bugs that don't appear when running in debug mode. There's a greater chance that stack variables still have a zero value in a debug build compared to a ...