1.纠正代谢性酸中毒 这是治疗的关键,补碱治疗非常有效。常用的有碳酸氢钠、枸橼酸钠、枸橼酸钾。据病情轻重可服用碳酸氢钠4~10g/d,分4次服, (1g NaHCO3-约等于12mmol HCO3-)。也可按每天1.0~1.5mmol/kg(84~126mg/kg),儿童需碱量要大[2.5~7.0mmol/(kg·d)],重症酸中毒碳酸氢钠可静注。或用复方...
Step 1:数据是否相符合? Step 2:碱血症还是酸血症? Step 3:原发是呼吸性的还是代谢性的? Step 4:在代偿范围内吗?预计的PaCO2=1.5×6+8±2=17±2所以,测得的PaCO2=15是在预计的15-19之内,所以代偿在正常范围内,即没有发生失代偿,没有发生呼吸性碱中毒。
RTA,经典型的英文名字是RTA, classic type。基因解码表明:RTA(Renal Tubular Acidosis,肾小管酸中毒)是一种肾脏功能障碍,导致肾小管无法正常排除酸性物质,从而引起体内酸碱平衡紊乱。经典型RTA是由肾小管功能异常引起的,而不是由基因突变引起的。 经典型RTA可以分为三种类型:RTA类型1、RTA类型2和RTA类型4。RTA类型...
Her labs and symptoms improved with treatment; she was diagnosed with RTA Type 1 and was discharged on oral potassium and bicarbonate supplementation. Hypokalemia is a common occurrence with type I RTA. However, paralysis of upper and lower extremities has not been previously reported.Cataldo...
marketingGoal M Integer 营销目标;1:应用推广 adNetwork M Integer 网络类型;1:应用市场广告网络 type M Integer 计划类型;1:应用市场广告 dailyBudget M Double 计划日预算,单位:元。保留小数后2位,不限制使用默认值0.00,范围是[500,999999998] 请求示例 POST https://connect-api.cloud.huawei.com/...
marketingGoal M Integer 营销目标;1:应用推广 adNetwork M Integer 网络类型;1:应用市场广告网络 type M Integer 计划类型;1:应用市场广告 dailyBudget M Double 计划日预算,单位:元。保留小数后2位,不限制使用默认值0.00,范围是[500,999999998]请求...
typescript-generator outputs this TypeScript interface: interfacePerson{name:string;age:number;hasChildren:boolean;tags:string[];emails:{[index:string]:string};} Supported types include: all Java primitive types with their corresponding wrappers (for exampleintandInteger,booleanandBoolean, etc.) ...
Medeiros, M., Guadarrama, O., Muñoz, R. (2022). Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis (Type II). In: Muñoz, R. (eds) Renal Tubular Acidosis in Children. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91940-5_8 近端小管的主要功能是碳酸氢钠NaHCO+3−重吸收(90%的过滤)和氨生产...
The priority of an event can range from 1 to 255, with 255 being the highest priority. Interval between evaluations RATE The interval, in seconds, between evaluations of the the analysis or status definition that generated the event. Resource type RESTYPE The type of resource for which the...