DMP=data management platform=数据管理平台 ADX=ad exchange=广告交易平台 SSP=supply side platform=供给方平台 RTB=real time bidding=实时竞价 RTA=real time API =实时API 二、DSP平台 在DSP出现之前,如果广告主想要在多个媒体(网站、广告网络、交易平台)投放广告 ,是一个非常繁琐的过程。因为每一个网站、广告...
{"data": {"page_info": {"total_number": 1,"total_num": 1,"total_page": 1,"page": 1,"page_size": 10000},"list": [{"comment_count": 3,"totalNumber": 1,"achievement_unlocked_cost": "0.01","coupon_count": 3,"effective_leads_online_count": 3,"click_count": 3,"consult_on...
广告主只要在DSP平台投放广告即可,由DSP平台帮助广告在多个媒体投放广告。 1.4 DMP平台(Data Management Platform)数据管理平台 DSP的受众定向精确到每个个体,这样精准功能是依靠DMP实现的 。 DMP(Data Management Platform),即数据管理平台,是把分散的多方数据进行整合纳入统一的技术平台,并对这些数据进行标准化和细分,让...
Today, to further harness the power of data within gaming, PlayFab and Real-Time Analytics (RTA) Database are unveiling a new integration, designed to equip creators with powerful near real-time analytics. We know that creators have table stakes needs for their game data to unlo...
data object 返回数据 list object[] 可用的RTA策略列表 rta_id number RTA策略ID remark string 备注,即RTA策略描述 request_id string 请求的日志id,唯一标识一个请求 应答示例 1 HTTPS/1.1 200 OK 2 { 3 "message": "OK", 4 "code": 0, 5 "data": { 6 "list": [ 7 { 8 "remark": "rta_...
cleardata.js- remove the testdata - after invoking it makedata should be able to be ran again without issues. Plugins intest_data/makedata_suitesexecuted in alphanumeric order: 000_dummy.js- this can be used as a template if you want to create a new plugin. ...
打开RoboHelp RTA Data File的软件程序: Adobe Systems Incorporated开发的Adobe RoboHelp Windows Mac 其他RTA 说明 .RTA 文件分机:.rta 类别:TrueRTA Project File TrueRTA,应用分析仪,用于测试音频系统创建该类型的项目文件。该文件存储设置,分析产生的声音或输入。它使用户能够记录的项目设置以备将来使用。
By using any product, service, or functionality originating from the domain, you hereby acknowledge and consent that RTA may share such information and data with any third party with whom RTA has a contractual relationship to provide the requested product, service, or ...
DPA是Data Protection Authority或者Data Protection Agency的缩写。这个词非常重要,因为它代表着个人数据保护的监管机构。在全球范围内,有越来越多的国家成立了DPA来保护个人数据的隐私权。这些机构负责确保企业和机构在处理个人数据时遵守法律和规定,保护用户数据不被滥用或泄露。RTA是Road Traffic Accident的...