{"Content-Type":"application/json"},body:d}).then(e=>{if(!e.ok||200!==e.status)throw new Error("Something went wrong");e.json().then(e=>(f={},v={},s=e.lead_id,e))}),document.getElementById("mf-form-step-v3-2").style.display="none"}$("#mf-timeline").change((...
Bhaskararaya mentions that this mantra has been explained in one of the Shaktha Upanishads theDevī-Atharva-Śirṣa-Upaniṣhad(Devi Upanishad)from which he quotes the first verse “I am of the very same form (Svarupini) of the Brahman’.I am an aspect of Brahma. From me this Un...
Application Sharing Multipoint Control Unit (ASMCU): A Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) that supports application sharing conferencing. encryption: In cryptography, the process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge. Multipoint Control Unit (MCU): A server endpoint that...
- Fuzzy logic controller for intelligent robots - Application of fuzzy logic and image processing for mobile robot assistance - Hybrid fuzzy based collision avoidance for a mobile robot - Hybrid fuzzy systems for the development of a re-engagement system for socially interactive robots ...
系统标签: ftarta原产地roostradepreferential 1SessionXI:BestPracticeinRTAs/FTAsEvolvingBestPracticesforRTAs/FTAs:RulesofOrigin∗DorotheaC.LazaroandErlindaM.Medalla∗∗“Rulesoforigin,becausetheyaffectwhogetswhat,whenandhow,areintrinsicallypolitical.Theycanexhibit,inaccentuatedform,thepoliticalimbalancethatcan...
includingwhetherthepresentproceduteoftaxationbytheHighCouttRegistrarofprivateliquidators' fees is pteferable; and c, whether guidelines should be issued as to what fees are recoverable and for which items of .vork including the form in which bills are to be presented; and if so, what the ...
Application Sharing Multipoint Control Unit (ASMCU): A Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) that supports application sharing conferencing. encryption: In cryptography, the process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge. Multipoint Control Unit (MCU): A server endpoint that...
13. The thin film media of claim 1 wherein the film of the second magnetic material in single layer form has a second coercivity, and wherein the joint coercivity is greater than the second coercivity. 14. The thin film media of claim 1, wherein the film of the first magnetic material...