在rt_thread_find()函数中,调用了rt_list_entry()函数: rt_thread_t rt_thread_find(char*name) {structrt_object_information *information;structrt_object *object;structrt_list_node *node;/*enter critical*/if(rt_thread_self() !=RT_NULL) rt_enter_critical();/*try to find device object*/in...
对应到这里的宏,第一条初始化语句为pos = rt_list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member);,是一个对pos的赋值语句,所以这里结合代码和上面的注释就能很容易知道第一个参数pos就类似普通for循环的循环变量。初始化又用到了另外一个宏rt_list_entry,此宏相关的代码如下: /** @brief get the struct ...
因rt_slist_for_each_entry宏不能正常调用,在实际开发中去循环再调用rt_slist_entry很不简洁,所以修改了rt_slist_for_each_entry宏中关于链表next的判空处理。目前相关代码在GD32系统的MCU上均能正常工作,相关应用也在生产产品中使用大半年了。 ]
The youngest car on the FIA HRRT entry is the 1989 Lada Samara (Group IV/1) of Pawel Krajewski and Slawomir Szokalski, which will compete on the Rally Poland Historic with the start number 8. CLICK HERE for the 10th Rally Poland Historic entry list. Information The final of the 2021 FI...
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Gaming.Preview.GamesEnumerationContract), 65536)] [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Guid(1935221971, 33055, 17556, 182, 156, 198, 65, 160, 198, 21, 67)] public interface IGameListEntry派生...
use std::fmt; struct Foo(Vec<i32>, Vec<u32>); impl fmt::Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt.debug_list() .entry(&self.0) // We add the first "entry". .entry(&self.1) // We add the second "entry". .finish() } } ...
Computer housing with a rear panel entry point for a pull out hard disc moduleKevin Lee
The youngest car on the FIA HRRT entry is the 1989 Lada Samara (Group IV/1) of Pawel Krajewski and Slawomir Szokalski, which will compete on the Rally Poland Historic with the start number 8. Information The final of the 2021 FIA Trophy for Historic Regularity Rallies will be hosted by ...
The youngest car on the FIA HRRT entry is the 1989 Lada Samara (Group IV/1) of Pawel Krajewski and Slawomir Szokalski, which will compete on the Rally Poland Historic with the start number 8. CLICK HERE for the 10th Rally Poland Historic entry list. ...