摘要: Ok, class. Take out your No. 2 pencils and a sheet of paper. It's time for a pop quiz." First, why did it always have to be a No. 2 pencil? What was wrong with the other numbers? Secondly, who came up with the "pop quiz"? Those two words struck fear into me, almo...
摘要: 在超市的货架上各种洁白,柔软,压花,印花而又素雅的厕用卫生卷纸琳琅满目.它们是主要的卫生纸产品,2001年厕用卫生卷纸以1200万t的消费量居世界卫生纸品消费量的前列.卫生卷纸一直是被所有人作为一种日用品来消费的.对于卫生卷纸我们没有更多的话要说,我们要说的是墨西哥主要的卫生纸生产商Copamex公司,去年...