主要是freertos加lwip的方案,很经典也很好用。 今天笔者就简单测一下RT1176板卡的千兆以太网速率。这里使用的例程是SDK_2_10_0_MIMXRT1170-EVKboardsevkmimxrt1170lwip_exampleslwip_iperfbmcm7mdk。 iperf是是一个网络性能测试工具。Iperf可以测试最大TCP和UDP带宽性能,具有多种参数和UDP特性,可以根据需要调整,可...
mdk keil (RT1176 EVK): when i select the flexspi_nor_sdram release project,after i rebuild it and load to the rt1176,evk board can not run well (just like dead crash),the same with putting the reset button; when i select the flexspi_nor_sdram debug project,after i rebuild it and ...
I’m working with the MIPI DSI interface on the RT1176 EVK. I was able to get the SD_JPEG example project up and running. I made some changes to the project since for my application the RT1176 will interface with an FPGA. The FPGA is successfully decoding the packets ...
我在使用两块RT1176 EVK做SPI收发测试时,长时间测试,中间会出现数据传输错误或者数据出现偏移,能帮忙看下吗? 硬件连线如下 主从CLK <===> CLK CS <===> CS MISO <===> MOSI MOSI <===> MISO 两块板子根据readme卸掉了R200,R404,R406,R408. 测试现场如下 lpspi_edma_b2b_transfer_master.c...
Hi,all 我在使用两块RT1176 EVK做SPI收发测试时,长时间测试,中间会出现数据传输错误或者数据出现偏移,能帮忙看下吗? 硬件连线如下 主从 CLK CLK CS CS MISO MOSI MOSI MISO 两块板子根据readme卸掉了R200,R404,R406,R408.
Hello, Can someone tell me if it is possible to use the SDRAM and the NAND Flash simultaneously on the EVK IMXRT1176 as below: SDRAM initialized with
We are using RT1176 with external octal (hyper) flash, the same as the EVK board schematics. There is a note in the schematics (and in the reference manual) that says the DQS pin (GPIO_SD_B2_05 on ball E14) must be left floating to achieve maximum flexSPI RW speed. My question -...
Hi, I want to change an app for the IMXRT1176-EVK from using the QuadSPI flash XIP to using the Octal SPI flash XIP (as this is what we will use on
我在使用两块RT1176 EVK做SPI收发测试时,长时间测试,中间会出现数据传输错误或者数据出现偏移,能帮忙看下吗? 硬件连线如下 主从CLK <===> CLK CS <===> CS MISO <===> MOSI MOSI <===> MISO 两块板子根据readme卸掉了R200,R404,R406,R408. 测试现场如下 lpspi_edma_b2b_transfer_master.c...
Hi, We are using RT1176 with external octal (hyper) flash, the same as the EVK board schematics. There is a note in the schematics (and in the reference manual) that says the DQS pin (GPIO_SD_B2_05 on ball E14) must be left floating to achieve maximum flex...