File Size1943.06 Kbytes Page111 Pages ManufacturerNXP [NXP Semiconductors] Direct Link Logo Descriptioni.MXRT1060CrossoverProcessorsforConsumerProducts Similar Part No. - IMXRT1060CEC ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription NXP SemiconductorsIMXRT1060CEC ...
The i.MX RT1060X processors are based on Arm Cortex-M7 Core Platform, which has the following features: •Supports single Arm Cortex-M7 Core with: -32 KB L1 Instruction Cache -32 KB L1 Data Cache -Full featured Floating Point Unit (FPU) with support of the VFPv5 architecture ...
The i.MX RT1060X processors are based on Arm Cortex-M7 Core Platform, which has the following features: •Supports single Arm Cortex-M7 Core with: -32 KB L1 Instruction Cache -32 KB L1 Data Cache -Full featured Floating Point Unit (FPU) with support of the VFPv5 architecture ...
IMXRT1064CEC 1Mb / 112P i.MX RT1064 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Products IMXRT1015CEC 2Mb / 72P i.MX RT1015 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Products Rev. 3.1, 03/2022 IMXRT1010CEC 1Mb / 65P i.MX RT1010 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Produc...
SIMXRT8RT10601DAE5A 概述 i.MX RT1010 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Products SIMXRT8RT10601DAE5A 数据手册通过下载SIMXRT8RT10601DAE5A数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 SIMXRT8RT10601DAE5A 相关器件 ...
SIMXRT2RT10601CAE5A 概述 i.MX RT1010 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Products SIMXRT2RT10601CAE5A 数据手册通过下载SIMXRT2RT10601CAE5A数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 SIMXRT2RT10601CAE5A 相关器件 ...
功能描述i.MXRT1060CrossoverProcessorsforIndustrialProducts 类似零件编号 - IMXRT1060IEC 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsIMXRT1060IEC 1Mb/114Pi.MX RT1060 Crossover Processors for Industrial Products 07/2020 More results NXP半导体是一家公开交易的跨国公司,设计,开发和制造各种半导体和集成电路,...
See your specific datasheet. 11. MTB: Micro Trace Buffer. A portion of the device internal user RAM is used for an instruction trace buffer. Only on Cortex-M0+ processors. Cortex-M3/M4 and Cortex-M7 processors provide ETM trace instead. 12. Hardware Breakpoints: The Cortex-M0+ has 2 ...
The datasheet says M7 [0b - Receiver and transmitter use 8-bit to 10-bit data characters] for send 7 data + 1 parity, but have a conflict with the kLPUART_SevenDataBits. Spoiler Please let me know if I did understand your information or if you need more information please let...
Hello , The max input voltage that the RT1060 can supports is 3.9V as mentioned in the table 7 of the datasheet: In the case that the input voltage