当配置Boot_Mode在内部引导(b10)时,BT_FUSE_SEL的状态确定引导配置是否取自熔丝位或引脚状态。如果BT_FUSE_SEL=0,boot_cfg是从GPIO获取的。如果BT_FUSE_SEL=1,则从熔丝中获取引导配置cfg。 当配置Boot_Mode为BOOT_MODE[1:0]=b00: ——BT_FUSE_SEL=0,引导器件中没有应用程序,BootROM进入串行下载模式 —...
efuse-program-once <addr> <data> Here is a User's Guide: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/MCUBLHOSTUG.pdf Have a great day, Victor --- Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you! ---...
(5)打开J-Flash工具创建新Project,在Target Device列表里选择RT1021或者RT1052,另外要注意的是i.MXRT系列默认的调试端口为SWD而非JTAG(使能JTAG调试需要提前烧eFuse配置才可以)。工程创建完毕之后,我们上述新添加的Flash烧写算法实际上已经被J-Flash先load进去了,此时如果是官方RT1021/RT1052_EVK默认板载Flash的话,我...
(5)打开J-Flash工具创建新Project,在Target Device列表里选择RT1021或者RT1052,另外要注意的是i.MXRT系列默认的调试端口为SWD而非JTAG(使能JTAG调试需要提前烧eFuse配置才可以)。工程创建完毕之后,我们上述新添加的Flash烧写算法实际上已经被J-Flash先load进去了,此时如果是官方RT1021/RT1052_EVK默认板载Flash的话,我...
Note: 如果连接的是 HyperFlash,需要烧写eFuse 0x450 或拨码对应 BOOT_CFG 引脚, 将 FLASH_TYPE[2:0] 设为 010-HyperFlash 1V8 / 011-HyperFlash 3V3 才能启动 第三种Flash连接方式就是利用FlexSPI 2nd Option里的6根PORTA信号线连接四线QSPI Flash,具体接法跟第一种方式很像,但是此处没有关于片选的疑虑...
Modes are selected through eFUSE configuration. Secure Non-Volatile Storage, including Secure Real Time Clock, Security State Machine, and Master Key Control. A standard audio file transfer format, developed jointly by the Sony and Phillips corporations. Has Transmitter and Receiver functionality. The...
i.MX RT1020 Crossover MCUs are based on the Arm® Cortex®-M7 core for real-time microcontroller (MCU) performance and high integration for industrial and IoT applications. The i.MX RT1020 Arm® Cortex®-M7 operates at up to 500 MHz with 256 KB on-chip RAM that can be configur...
(JTAG) and SWD debug interfaces selected by eFuse Security functions are enabled and accelerated by the following hardware: • High Assurance Boot (HAB) • Data Co-Processor (DCP): — AES-128, ECB, and CBC mode — SHA-1 and SHA-256 — CRC-32 • Bus Encryption Engine (BEE) — ...
3. Burn eFuse using NXP MCU Boot Utility. 3-1) Read and back-up the 64-bit “Challenge” value stored in the eFuse UUID[1,0] 3-2) Program a 56-bit (7 Bytes) secret response key in the eFuse SJC_RESP 3-3) Program 0x1 in the eFuse DAP_SJC_SWD_SEL to switch the DAP to...
部件名MIMXRT1021DAG5A 功能描述i.MXRT1020CrossoverProcessorsforConsumer Download95 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商NXP [NXP Semiconductors] 网页http://www.nxp.com 标志 类似零件编号 - MIMXRT1021DAG5A 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsMIMXRT1021DAG5A ...