一、本文介绍本文记录的是改进RT-DETR的损失函数,将其替换成Slide Loss,并详细说明了优化原因,注意事项等。Slide Loss函数可以有效地解决样本不平衡问题,为困难样本赋予更高的权重,使模型在训练过程中更加关…
这期给各位带来RTDETR改进项目的最新一期更新 1. 新增CGNet中的Light-weight Context Guided和Light-weight Context Guided DownSample模块. 2. Neck模块新增BIFPN,并对其进行创新,支持替换不同的block. 3. 为RTDETR定制SlideVarifocalLoss,EMASlideVarifocalLoss. 4. 更新使用教程. 5. 百度云视频增加20240302更新说明....
Star RTDETR 请先在RTDETR主页点击star以支持本项目 Hi Sir @lyuwenyu, i am trully sorry if my question is low level but I would like to understand something that is not clear to me. Even normalizing the validation dataset as you said, I still don't understand why the loss value is not...
🔥🔥🔥专注于改进YOLOv8模型,NEW - YOLOv8 🚀 RT-DETR 🥇 in PyTorch >, Support to improve backbone, neck, head, loss, IoU, NMS and other modules🚀 Resources Readme License AGPL-3.0 license Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 0 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Release...