RT-BE82U Find Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty: Here. * Please note that the availability of the Premium Care product lines might differ by country. Register ...
RT-AX82U Find Another Model En enregistrant votre appareil, vous pouvez facilement gérer la garantie de votre produit, obtenir une assistance technique et suivre l'état de vos réparations. Enregistrer mon produit Pilotes et outils Connaissances Manuel d'utilisation et document Garantie...
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RT-AX82U Network Standard IEEE 802.11aIEEE 802.11bIEEE 802.11gWiFi 4 (802.11n)WiFi 5 (802.11ac)WiFi 6 (802.11ax)IPv4IPv6 Product Segment AX5400 ultimate AX performance : 574+4804 Mbps WiFi Data Rate 802.11a : up to 54 Mbps802.11b : up to 11 Mbps802.11g : up to 54 Mbps802.11...