Firmware ASUS RT-AC3200 固件版本 版本3. 35.3 MB 2022/03/29 1. 新增Cyclops blinks 恶意软体的安全防护2. 修正 Stored XSS 漏洞3. 修正 httpd 漏洞4. 修正 stack overflow 漏洞5. 修正 DoS 漏洞6. 修正 CVE-2021-41435, CVE-2021-41436.7. 修正 information disclosu...
刷这个是不是要在恢复模式刷?是不是不能直接刷 救援模式,用ASUS Firmware Restoration工具进行刷机。
- NEW: amtm (Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu) by thelonelycoder has been added to the firmware....
Since the RT-AC3200 has 128 MiB of flash memory, you should be able to run dd-wrt with full functionality without having to worry too much about which firmware to use. We haven't find any specific instructions for flashin dd-wrt onto the ASUS RT-AC3200, but you can read theInstallatio...
Like most routers today, the ASUS RT-AC3200 is equipped with two USB ports to make sharing of data to clients on the network very simple. Unlike many other routers, ASUS has built this functionality into their GUI/firmware giving the user a lot more control over what is happening with the...
页码935.2 Firmware Restoration Narzędzie Firmware Restoration (Odtwarzanie oprogramowania) wykorzystywane jest w routerze bezprzewodowym ASUS w przypadku niepowodzenia procesu aktualizacji oprogramowania... 页码94 3. Ustaw statyczny adres IP komputera i wprowadź poniższe wartości w celu s...
从RT-AC5300_380.68_4-X7.7-koolshare.trx版本 直接刷版主提供的asus_rt-ac5300-firmware.trx...
RT-AC88U Firmware Version 384.11_alpha2-g33fcd89869 Firmware Build Sun Apr 14 17:29:38 UTC ...
- NEW: amtm (Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu) by thelonelycoder has been added to the firmware....