这块STM32U5是2021年抽奖中的,感谢ST、电堂科技 在RTT的Github库中,于2021年11月说明要支持STM32U5,add stm32u575-st-nucleo bsp. #5280 但在RTT SDK管理器中未发现,因此我们需要手动导入这个BSP包。虽说STM32H7的包大概也可用在STM32U5上,但对于强迫症的我来说,还是用U5的吧。
首先去Github看看RT-AK的repo RT-AK/RT-AK快速上手.md at main · RT-Thread/RT-AKgithub.com/RT-Thread/RT-AK/blob/main/RT-AK/documents/RT-AK%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E4%B8%8A%E6%89%8B.md 硬件以及BSP已经准备好,详见RT-Thread STM32U5 —— 导入BSP 这次需要以下文件: RT-AK的repo,clone...
RT-Thread社区将秉承“开源、开放”的理念与RISC-V基金会合作伙伴紧密合作,共同解决RISC-V在嵌入式系统应用中面临的挑战,推动RISC-V生态的持续壮大。 1.STM32U5,意法半导体新打造的超低功耗MCU旗舰版 2.【例说Arm-2D界面设计】从不规则图标的显示说起 3.STM8CubeMX和STM32CubeMX功能一样吗? 4.这九种情况下...
stm32 stm32/stm32u5: Fixed GPIO interrupt error. stm32/stm32l476-nucleo: Supported timer7 for RTduino; Supported PWM switch to SPI. stm32/stm32wl55-st-nucleo: Fixed SCons compilation failure, improved link file, removed hardware floating-point support. stm32/stm32f407-rt-spark: Release...
master (RT-Thread/rt-thread#7196) kurisaW authored Apr 8, 2023 Verified 1 parent 25bcb84 commit 7fbe8bb Showing 15 changed files with 1,808 additions and 3 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified bsp/stm32/libraries/HAL_Drivers/config ...
3. **检查驱动代码**:检查cherryUSB的驱动代码,确保其与STM32L4R5ZIT6兼容。4. **升级RT-Thread*...
* - LV_NEMA_HAL_STM32 */ #define LV_USE_NEMA_HAL LV_NEMA_HAL_CUSTOM #if LV_USE_NEMA_HAL == LV_NEMA_HAL_STM32 #define LV_NEMA_STM32_HAL_INCLUDE <stm32u5xx_hal.h> #endif /*Enable Vector Graphics Operations. Available only if NemaVG library is present*/ #define LV_US...
stm32/stm32u5: Fixed GPIO interrupt error. stm32/stm32l476-nucleo: Supported timer7 for RTduino; Supported PWM switch to SPI. stm32/stm32wl55-st-nucleo: Fixed SCons compilation failure, improved link file, removed hardware floating-point support. ...
Changed the thread size of the thread_tc thread stack to avoid stack anomalies caused by 64-bit machines; Changed the size of the thread stack to avoid stack anomalies. Added the signal dependency in signal test. BSP Added some new BSPs ST: imx6ull, stm32u585-iot02a, stm32f405zgtx,...