Components and Service Layer: Components are based on upper-level software on top of the RT-Thread kernel, such as virtual file systems, FinSH command-line interfaces, network frameworks, device frameworks, and more. Its modular design allows for high internal cohesion inside the components and lo...
If you want to download and read great books on yourWindows RTtabletthen you need to install the Kindle client for yourWindows RTdevice. Kindle is a greatappthat is compatible for both Windows 8 and RT systems and which can be anytime downloaded fromWindows Storefor free. You can read a ...
SodiusWillert provides solutions and services that accelerate complex systems and software development projects.
If you decide to let us be your application development partner we are here to assist you. We are a team of developers solely dedicated to embedded real time industrial control systems. This is the only thing we do! At a fixed price with guarantee ...
For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are ...
Samsung ARTIK05x becomes the first family of IoT systems-on-module to be certified under Open Connectivity Foundation 1.3 standards. If you want to test OCF certification, you need the following setting in menuconfig. External Functions > IOTIVITY Config Parameters > Enable "enable / disable ioti...
The SIRIUS® RT DAQ systems can perform high-speed buffered data acquisition and feed real-time data to any 3rd-party EtherCAT® master such as Beckoff, MTS FlexTest, Syclone Clemessy, Labview, and others. Award-winning data acquisition software is included for free with lifetime free updates...
Note: All self-paced e-Learning courses are available for free for OPAL-RT customers. Request Training X OP102 - HYPERSIM - Introduction to Power Systems Real-Time Simulation This course teaches the basics of the HYPERSIM® real-time simulation software platform and its operating principles....
modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and con...
Software Consulting System-On-Modules Emcraft develops production-ready System-On-Modules (SOMs) using leading-edge Cortex-M microcontrollers and Cortex-A microprocessors. Our modules are the solution to your high-reliability, low-power and long product life-cycle requirements. ...