RT-Thread中的链表指针定义为rt_list_t或者rt_slist_t,而不是节点类型作为指针,这就可以使链表的操作(例如:插入、删除)不用和节点类型绑定,使得一套插入删除函数可以被各种节点类型使用,甚至可以将不同类型的节点插入链表。 使用举例://定义单向链表结构体类型structrt_slist_node {structrt_slist_node *next;...
while (!rt_list_isempty(&rt_soft_timer_list[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1])) { t = rt_list_entry(rt_soft_timer_list[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1].next, struct rt_timer, row[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1]); current_tick = rt_tick_get(); /* * It supposes that the new ...
rt_uint8_tflags;/**< thread's flags */ #ifdefRT_USING_MODULE void*module_id;/**< id of application module */ #endif rt_list_tlist;/**< the object list */ rt_list_ttlist;/**< the thread list */ /* stack point and entry */ void*sp;/**< stack point */ void*entry;/*...
T QFN-24 环保 ¥4.4900元5~49 ¥3.9900元50~199 ¥3.7900元>=200 深圳市铭顺信电子有限公司 6年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 RICHTEK/立锜 电源管理芯片 RT9026GFP IC REG CONV DDR 1OUT 10M RT9026GFP -- RICHTEK/立锜 MSOP10 2021+ ...
/**< the return stack pointer from signal */#endifrt_sighandler_t*sig_vectors;/**< vectors of signal handler */void*si_list;/**< the signal infor list */#endifrt_ubase_tinit_tick;/**< thread's initialized tick 线程初始化计数值*/rt_ubase_tremaining_tick;/**< remaining tick 线程...
rt_uint32_tperiod; rt_uint32_tpulse; rt_uint32_ttime; rt_uint32_tcount; structrt_thread*tid; rt_mutex_tlock; rt_slist_tlist; }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 有了LED 节点,还需要定义一个链表头,用于节点的插入、删除、查询和修改。
当不再需要动态定时器时,可以将其删除,执行如下函数之后系统会把这个定时器从rt_timer_list链表中删除,然后释放相应的定时器控制块占有的内存:rt_err_t rt_timer_delete(rt_timer_t timer); (1)入口参数: timer:定时器句柄,指向要删除的定时器。
系统启动后先从汇编代码 startup_stm32l475xx.s 开始运行,然后跳转到 C 代码执行该代码Sub 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 intrtthread_startup(void){rt_hw_interrupt_disable();/* 板级初始化:需在该函数内部进行系统堆的初始化 */rt_hw_board_init();/* 打印 RT-Threa...
* #define RT_TIMER_FLAG_SOFT_TIMER 0x4 /**< soft timer,the timer's callback function will be called in timer thread. */ * @return the created timer object */ rt_timer_t rt_timer_create(const char *name, void (*timeout)(void *parameter), ...
Networking is only half the equation when it comes to game performance. As AiProtection is integrated in RT-AC2900 and powered by the router, even if a device's security software isn't turned on — to get around blocked games, for example — AiProtection still protects the network from atta...