More about RT News (Russia Today) This app is best known for the following features and qualities: bbc news, reading news & reading a story, world news & news provider. People sayand it's quality news everybody should go to rt,wake up world your only getting half the story,great alter...
The Security Council has adopted a US-drafted resolution on the conflict without condemning Russia Feb 27, 2025 11:00 Russia takes out 14 Ukrainian drones in single strike (MOD VIDEO) Explosive-laden aircraft intended for long-range attacks on infrastructure were hit on the ground ...
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RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel which brings the Russian view on global news.
RT News is Russia Today's dedicated Windows 10 app, and we will be reviewing it. The article below will be showcasing the app and its functionality. The official RT News English app, formerly known as Russia Today, has been made available for download in the Microsoft Store for Windows 10...
Прощёноевоскресенье: почемутакважноискреннепроститьсвоихобидчиков? Яркаязвездасрусскимикорнями: какойзапомнятактрисуиз «Евротура» и «...
RT新闻是一个全球性的新闻网络,总部位于俄罗斯莫斯科。其名称来源于“Russia Today”的缩写,突显了它作为俄罗斯媒体公司的身份。该网络的宗旨是为全球观众提供真实、公正、及时的新闻报道及分析,涵盖了国际、政治、经济和文化等方面的内容,被广泛认为是俄罗斯最具有国际影响力的媒体之一。RT新闻鲜明的特点...
置顶 【#普京发表重要声明#:事关泽连斯基、乌克兰和美国】2月24日,俄罗斯总统普京在接受俄罗斯-1电视台记者帕维尔·扎鲁宾采访时就乌克兰任期届满总统泽连斯基、乌克兰、美国等相关问题发表重要声明。声明要点如下:● 泽连斯基正在成为乌克兰武装部队和乌克兰社会的“毒瘤”,他禁止自己与俄罗斯谈判, ......
在当今全球化的复杂舞台上,RT News,即Russia Today TV,以其独特的视角和手法在国际舆论场上扮演着微妙的角色。这家媒体虽然肩负着一定程度的政治使命,但在操控叙事和引导公众舆论方面,其技巧堪称炉火纯青。特别是在逆全球化和民族主义浪潮中,RT的影响力远超许多西欧右翼媒体,尤其是对于那些与俄罗斯...
RT News Moscow weighs in on NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine conflict Ukrainian plot to assassinate top Crimean cleric foiled – Russia Home On Air RT playerRumble playerOdysee player RT’s flagship, award-winning English-language channel airs 24/7 from the network’s Moscow offices...