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Kubista, M.et al. The real-time polymerase chain reaction.Mol. Aspects Med.27, 95–125 (2006). ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Huang, T.et al. 2018. Selection and validation of reference genes for mRNA expression by quantitative real-time PCR analysis inNeolamarckia cadamba.Sci. Rep.8, ...
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of each translucent ring, respectively sex combined. The null hypothesis that the slope (HEDGEPET&H JOLLEYJR. 1983; JOHNSON1983; is equal to zero (h:P=o) was tested (SOKAL& RIEHL 1984; PRINCEet al. 1986; EHRHARDT ROHLF1981). A paradigm of the ageing theory is 1994). Narrow translucen...