[root@bakserver ~]# rsync -avc -e "ssh -p 1876" a210/ 1. 3. 本地目录同步不同端口远程主机目录并排除文件删除非排除的文件 [root@bakserver a210]# rsync -avc --exclude='on1.txt' --delete /root/a210/ -e "ssh -p 1876" 1. 4....
SSH(Secure Shell)是一种加密协议,用于在不安全的网络中安全地连接到远程主机。在红帽系统中,SSH被用来实现安全的远程访问和管理。用户可以使用SSH客户端通过加密连接登录到远程主机,并执行命令、传输文件等操作。SSH的安全性和可靠性使得它成为Linux系统中不可或缺的工具之一。 最后,让我们来讨论port。在计算机网络中...
将公钥上传到备份服务器上: [root@DaMoWang ~]# ssh-copy-id root@ root@'s password: #最后一次输入密码Now try logging into the machine, with"ssh 'root@'", and checkin: .ssh/authorized_keys tomakesure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expe...
via a fast differencing algorithm.Usage:rsync[OPTION]...SRC[SRC]...DESTor rsync[OPTION]...SRC[SRC]...[USER@]HOST:DESTor rsync[OPTION]...SRC[SRC]...[USER@]HOST::DESTor rsync[OPTION]...SRC[SRC]...rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DESTor rsync[OPTION]...[USER@]HOST:SRC[DEST]or r...
description: 'remote server SSH port' required: true default: "22" ssh_private_key: description: 'login user SSH private key' required: true source_path: description: 'The source storage path of the synchronous files' required: true
Rsync Files Over SSH Non-standard Port So, It is mandatory to change your SSH default port number to something different which is very hard to guess. In such cases, how will you sync your files/folders with your Remote server? No worries, It is not that difficult. Here we will see how...
-e 'ssh -p 30022' (这里用来指定ssh端口,默认22) --exclude=workspace(同步/var/lib/jenkins/目录下除workspace外的所有内容) 例子:同步本地目录内容到远程目录下 rsync -avhpW --no-compress -P4 --progress /test/data/ root@ ...
or rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST] The ':' usages connect via remote shell, while '::' & 'rsync://' usages connect to an rsync daemon, and require SRC or DEST to start with a module name. Options ...
[yun@backup ~]$ rsync -avzP -e 'ssh -p 22' /etc/yum yun@ Rsync daemon 服务模式实践 1 Access via rsync daemon: 2 Pull: rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST::SRC... [DEST] 3 rsync [OPTION...] rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC... [DEST] 4 Push: rsync ...
-F ssh_config: 指定一个替代的ssh配置文件,此参数直接传递给ssh。 -i identity_file: 从指定文件中读取传输时使用的密钥文件,此参数直接传递给ssh。 -l limit: 限定用户所能使用的带宽,以Kbit/s为单位。 -o ssh_option: 如果习惯于使用ssh_config(5)中的参数传递方式, -P port:注意是大写的P, port是...