16. Transfer Specific File Types You can usersyncto copy only a specific file type. To do so, use the asterisk (*) symbol instead of the file name and add theextension. For example, to copy only.txtfiles, enter: rsync -v /home/pnap/Documents/*.txt /home/pnap/Desktop/rsync/ The com...
Exclude files of specific types The wildcard pattern is quite useful for excluding multiple files of certain patterns. Let's say, you want to exclude all the files that end with.gzand.zip. Here's what you can do: rsync -av --exclude '*.gz' --exclude '*.zip' source_dir destination...
Hosts deny can block specific IP addresses, offering further access granularity to an allowed IP range. Hosts allow [IP address, IP range, hostname]Specified clients will be allowed, unless they are also in the hosts deny list. All others will be blocked.Hosts deny [IP address, IP range,...
Faster Execution:rsync is faster than scp because it uses a remote-update protocol. This allows it to transfer only differences rather than the whole file. So, if you set up a regular sync over time, you only need to do a full copy the first time. From the next time onwards, it only...
Linux系统下有很多数据备份工具, 常用的是rsync,从字面意思理解为remote sync (远程同步). rsync不仅可以远程同步数据(类似于scp),而且可以本地同步数据(类似于cp),但不同于cp或者scp的一点是, 它不会覆盖以前的数据 (如果数据已经存在),而是先判断已经存在的数据和新数据的差异,只有数据不同时才会把不相同的部分...
rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update via a fast differencing algorithm. Usage: rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST::DEST ...
rsyncfails on some specific files , and always fails on those files. However, there is no obvious pattern in file type, attribute, size or ownership. SElinux is disabled. Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 ds_agent (Deep Security Agent) ...
-W, --whole-file copy files whole (without delta-xfer algorithm) -x, --one-file-system don't cross filesystem boundaries -B, --block-size=SIZE force a fixed checksum block-size-e, --rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use #指定要使用的远程shell ...
Contacting an rsync daemon directly happens when the source or destination path con- tains a double colon (::) separator after a host specifica- tion, OR when an rsync:// URL is specified (see also the "USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE-SHELL CONNECTION" section for an exception ...
Consider usingAOMEI Backupper Serveras an alternative. Tailored for server users, it offers comparable functionality and user-friendly operation for file synchronization tasks. You canclickon the following link to get specific operation plans: