To synchronize the local and remote hosts, remove any deleted files from the former using the--deleteoption, which updates the latter accordingly. This requires following these steps: rsync -avhe ssh /foo --delete user@remote-host:/tmp/ ...
在两个目录之间同步文件: rsync -avz /path/to/source_directory /path/to/destination_directory/user@remote_host:/path/to/remote_directory/ --delete-after --exclude='*.log' --include='*.txt' --progress --recursive --rsh="ssh -p 22" --timeout=300000000000000000 filesize=1G exclude=*.tmp ...
the refusal of "delete" also refuses remove-source-files when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter without the former, instead refuse "delete-*" -- that refuses all the delete modes without
the refusal of "delete" also refuses remove-source-files when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter without the former, instead refuse "delete-*" -- that refuses all the delete modes without
{SSH_SOCKET}:\\" connect_timeout=\"3600" port=\"5984" remoteport=\"5984" readonly=true recursesubdirs=true removefilesfromsourcedir=false skipunchangedfilesfromsourcedir=false skipsymlinksfromsourcedir=false copylinksifcrossdevicesfromsourcedir=false preservepermissionsfromsourcedir=true preservetimestamps...
--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dirs) #发送方删除同步文件(非目录) --del an alias for --delete-during #别名 --delete delete extraneous files from destination dirs --delete-before receiver deletes before transfer, not during ...
As an additional safety feature, the refusal of "delete" also refuses remove-source-files when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter without the former, instead refuse "delete-*" -- that refuses all the delete modes without affecting --remove-source-files. When an option is ...
rsync是一个开源、快速的、多动能的、可以实现全量,增量的本地或远程数据同步备份工具,它适用于多种操作系统平台。 1、rsync的特性(功能) (1)支持拷贝特殊文件(如链接文件、设备文件) (2)拷贝时可以排除目录中目录或文件不需要同步的功能 (3)可以保持源文件或目录的属性不发生改变 ...
This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly! It is a very good idea to run first using the dry run option (-n) to see what files would be deleted to make sure important files aren't listed. 从这句话里,我们学到了一个小技巧,那就是-n选项,它是一个吓唬人的选项,它会用受影响的文...
int num_files, num_dirs, num_symlinks, num_devices, num_specials; int created_files, created_dirs, created_symlinks, created_devices, created_specials; int deleted_files, deleted_dirs, deleted_symlinks, deleted_devices, deleted_specials;