这将排除名为 dir_to_exclude 的目录及其内容。 使用排除文件列表 你也可以将排除规则放在一个文件中,然后使用 --exclude-from 选项来指定该文件。 首先,创建一个文本文件,列出要排除的模式,例如 exclude.txt: file.txt *.jpg dir_to_exclude/ 然后使用 rsync 并指定 --exclude-from 选项: rsync -av --exc...
rsync -avz --exclude=1rsync_backup@ /data/ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password --exclude= 文件名字 rsync_backup是你/etc/rsyncd.conf文件里配置的auth users = rsync_backup @ip king 是你/etc/rsyncd.conf文件里配置的[king],--password-file=/etc/rsync.password即为读取你的密码...
3 3. 配置rsync的配置文件/etc/rsyncd.conf# /etc/rsyncd: configuration file for rsync daemon mode# See rsyncd.conf man page for more options.# configuration example:# uid = nobody# gid = nobody# use chroot = yes# max connections = 4# pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid# exclude = lost+...
When watching a directory tree recursively, exclude the specified file from being watched. The file must be specified with a relative or absolute path according to whether a relative or absolute path is given for watched directories. If a specific path is explicitly both included and excluded, it...
When watching a directory tree recursively, exclude the specified file from being watched. The file must be specified with a relative or absolute path according to whether a relative or absolute path is given for watched directories. If a specific path is explicitly both included ...
--excludei <pattern> Like --exclude but case insensitive. #排除文件或目录时,不区分大小写。 --timefmt <fmt> strftime-compatible format string for use with %T in --format string. #指定时间输出的格式 --format <fmt> Print using a specified printf-like format string; read the man page for...
-r|--recursive Watch directories recursively. -q|--quiet Print less (only print events). --exclude <pattern> Exclude all events on files matching the extended regular expression <pattern>. --format <fmt> Print using a specified printf-like format ...
| -- bin | -- conf 我想/opt 下面所有文件(排除 /opt/bin 这个目录) 上传到远程服务器 rsync -avzP --progress --delete -r --exclude='bin/' /opt/ 这样build 文件夹下的bin 目录也会排除掉,如何只排除/opt/bin 呢?rsync ...
If you're backing up a home directory, I'd suggest doing it. Using simply --exclude=.gvfs works for me, but if you need the full path, it would of course be --exclude=/home/jason/.gvfs --delete This will delete files on the destination that don't exist on the source. Let's ...