pass server_ip=被误删服务器ip #同步本地文件到服务器的tmp目录下,需要输入密码就是配置文件中的 rsync -aPv --port 873 /lib64/ ${server_ip}::tmp 7.同步成功后,在误删服务器上将文件移到lib64下rsync -aPv /tmp/ /lib64 ...
# 同步本地数据 rsync -aPv ~/Desktop/img ./rsync_test # 同步本地到服务器 rsync -avP -e ssh ./rsync_test/age_gender 配置参数: rsync -v, --verbose 详细模式输出。 -q, --quiet 精简输出模式。 -c, --checksum 打...
# 同步本地数据 rsync -aPv ~/Desktop/img ./rsync_test # 同步本地到服务器 rsync -avP -e ssh ./rsync_test/age_gender 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 配置参数: rsync -v...
systemctl start rsyncd // CentOS 7 启动方式 [root@web-01 ~]# rsync -aPv /lib64/ /tmp sending incremental file list 155744 100% 117.28MB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1) sent 155843 bytes received 31 bytes 311748.00 bytes/sec total size is 155744...
[root@web-02 ~]]# echo "abc123" > /etc/rsyncd.pass [root@web-02 ~]# rsync -aPv /lib64 Password: receiving incremental file list sent 53 bytes received 108 bytes 24.77 bytes/sec total size is 155744 speedup is 967.35...
$ rsync -aPvth -e ssh --timeout=600 --progress /volume1/Destination/Permission denied, please try again.rsync error: rsync service is no running (code 43) at io.c(254) [Receiver=3.1.2] Any suggestions, please? Thank you AS S SI_28 @si_28 Sep 03...
spawn rsync -apv -e ssh "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/charliechaplin/test/" "" expect "password:" send "$PASSPH\n" expect "#" Solution 2: To automatically sync with ssh passwordless , a viable solution is to utilize a pair of public and private ...
Linux轻量级监控工具nmon工具的安装和使用 修复Ubuntu 中“E Unable to locate package package_name”错误 查看IIS 中每个网站的资源使用情况 Linux监听网络流量工具iftop Mysqldump命令参数介绍 Blackbox Exporter 端口监控与网络探测实现 FirewallD防火墙 常见网络攻击类型及排查处理建议 端口状态 LISTENING、ESTABLISHED、TIM...
今天学习了rsync的同步操作,本打算往服务器同步一些数据,于是报了一下错误: ➜ ~ rsync -r /...