CDC疫苗专家表示,该机构进行的风险收益分析继续支持在60岁及以上的人群中使用RSV疫苗,因为该人群的RSV疾病负担很大。该机构估计,每接种100万剂RSV疫苗,可避免2400-2700例RSV住院治疗,450-520例重症监护病房入院,120-140例死亡。 这一信号发出之际,GSK表示...
OLDER peopleRESPIRATORY syncytial virus infection vaccinesAUTUMNThe article reports on the revised respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination recommendation from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and PRecention (CDC) for people aged 60 years or older.Harris, Emily...
CDC疫苗专家表示,该机构进行的风险收益分析继续支持在60岁及以上的人群中使用RSV疫苗,因为该人群的RSV疾病负担很大。该机构估计,每接种100万剂RSV疫苗,可避免2400-2700例RSV住院治疗,450-520例重症监护病房入院,120-140例死亡。 这一信号发出之际,GSK表示希望说服FDA扩大其RSV疫苗的许可,降低有资格接受注射的人的年龄...
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) – Older Adults are at High Risk for Severe RSV Infection Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV in Infants and Young Children.
while it is thought that there is a small increased risk of developing GBS after flu vaccination — among 1 million people who get vaccinated, there may be one or two more cases than one would normally see in a similarly sized group of unvaccinated people — it’s known that...
A nationwide survey of people who were pregnant or trying to become pregnant has found that overall, 54% expressed interest in the RSV vaccine during pregnancy. Perceiving RSV as a serious illness in infants was the strongest predictor of likely vaccination during pregnancy. Likelihood to receive ...
COVID, flu and RSV this holiday FILE - Employees and their guests attend an office holiday party in Schaumburg, Ill. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
Analysis by Sector Energy Communication Services Real Estate Consumer Staples Tech Basic Materials Healthcare Consumer Utilities Financials Industrials Stock Comparison Tools FAANG Stocks Gold ETFs Cash Equivalents Big Bank Stocks Big Pharma Stocks Retail Stocks Top Indexes Dow Jone...
近日,美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的新数据表明,保护老年人免受呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)侵害的新疫苗可能与患吉兰-巴雷综合征(GBS)的风险增加有关。(文末附FDA《65岁成人接种RSV疫苗后格林-巴雷综合征(GBS)的初步分析报告》) ...