Adults withweak immune systemsalso can carry and spread the virus for longer periods. If you have a weak immune system and are worried about RSV, ask your doctor about how you can protect yourself. RSV usually causes mild symptoms similar to those of a cold. But it can lead to pneumonia ...
The following information is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.4,5These frequently asked questions include an explanation of RSV symptoms, prevention, and how the disease spreads. What is Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) ...
RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes mild, cold-like symptoms in healthy adults. Infants are more likely to develop severe RSV, especially those younger than 12 months. RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in U.S.infants. Circulation typically peaks between December and February,...
RSV is a common contagious virus that causes lower respiratory tract infection. Most people infected with RSV experience mild symptoms similar to a common cold. RSV can be contracted at any age, but most children will have experienced an RSV infection by the time they are two years old. It ...
Although the CDC generally follows the recommendation of its advisers, the final decision rests with the agency's director. RSV, which typically causes cold-like symptoms, is a leading cause of pneumonia in toddlers and older adults, causing 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths in the Uni...
Prevention is the best option.Respiratory virus vaccines, including RSV vaccines, can help protect older adults from serious illness. Talk to your doctor and learn more. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Source:United States Department of Health and Human Services...
Assessing the Economic Burden of RSV-Associated Hospitalizations Among US Adults Pearl Steinzor Researchers estimate the financial impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in cardiorespiratory hospitalizations using MarketScan data and CDC viral positivity rates. July 23rd 2024 What We’re Reading: Soc...
In the hospital these infants or children may require supplemental oxygen or IV fluids for a couple days until their symptoms improve to a point where they can safely go back home. The specific symptoms will depend on the specific child and on the parts of the respiratory tract infected (...
RSV symptoms are like those of a cold: congestion, fever, cough, wheezing and a sore throat. In young babies, RSV's only signs may be difficulty breathing, irritability and decreased activity. Older adults and babies younger than 6 months may need to be hospitalized if they have trouble bre...
Out of these, 73.8%(96/130) had only upper respiratory symptoms( Per CDC definition includes: rhinorrhea, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion) and 17.6% (23/130) had lower +/- upper respiratory symptoms.( Lower respiratory symptoms were defined as Tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, exacerbation of ...