在“R Version”(R版本)部分,点击“Change”(更改)按钮。 在弹出的“Select R Version”(选择R版本)窗口中,选择您想要切换到的R版本,然后点击“OK”(确定)。 重启RStudio以使更改生效。 方法2:使用命令行 打开终端。 使用update-alternatives命令来切换R版本。例如,如果您想切换到R 4.0.5版本,可以运行以下命令...
Screenshotfrom Community post: In 212, launching Rstudio just works., With 217, the version selected pops up but isn't happy even if I select the version or go through the file browser and fine the exe for R I try run Rstudio with --no-sandbox, it can work!. if i run directly,...
(3) Select the appropriatedirectory and then click Create Project A new projectwill be created for the directory and RStudio's version control features willthen be available for that directory. 2.2 Creating a new project based on a Git or Subversionrepository If you have anexisting Git or Subv...
(3) Select the appropriatedirectory and then click Create Project A new projectwill be created for the directory and RStudio's version control features willthen be available for that directory. 2.2 Creating a new project based on a Git or Subversionrepository If you have anexisting Git or Subv...
(3) Select the appropriatedirectory and then click Create Project A new projectwill be created for the directory and RStudio's version control features willthen be available for that directory. 2.2 Creating a new project based on a Git or Subversionrepository ...
System details RStudio Edition : Desktop (Electron) RStudio Version : 2022.06.0-daily+374 (Electron) OS Version : Windows 11 R Version : Multiple Steps to reproduce the problem Install multiple versions of R, if not already installed. To...
在RStudio中使用带有dbGetQuery的select语句,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保已经安装了适当的数据库驱动程序。常见的数据库驱动程序包括RMySQL、RPostgreSQL...
(3)SelecttheappropriatedirectoryandthenclickCreateProject AnewprojectwillbecreatedforthedirectoryandRStudio'sversioncontrolfeatureswillthenbeavailableforthatdirectory. 2.2CreatinganewprojectbasedonaGitorSubversionrepositoryIfyouhaveanexistingGitorSubversionrepositorythatyouwanttouseasthebasisforanRStudioprojectyoushould:...
通过ODBC DSN 调用某个操作(例如,通过SELECT包中的dbGetQuery函数调用DBI语句),并指定连接变量的名称和SELECT语句本身,例如指定名为diamonds的架构(数据库)中名为default的表中的变量: R print(dbGetQuery(conn,"SELECT * FROM default.diamonds LIMIT 2")) ...
通过ODBC DSN 调用某个操作(例如,通过SELECT包中的dbGetQuery函数调用DBI语句),并指定连接变量的名称和SELECT语句本身,例如指定名为diamonds的架构(数据库)中名为default的表中的变量: print(dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM default.diamonds LIMIT 2")) ...