在Excel中输入数据时,不要在行名中加上空格,因为它们会使R以后混淆(例如:使用像height_meters这样的东西而不是height (m)。有些计算机在保存.csv文件时,会用分号 ; 而不是逗号 , 作为分隔符。这通常发生在你的计算机上的第一种或唯一的语言不是英语的情况下。如果你的文件被分号分隔,请使用read.csv2代替...
In Rstudio, in the bottom right quadrant (under the tab "Files"), create a "New Blank File" of type "R script". Then copy & paste the code below into the new file, or just run it from the Console tab in Rstudio. install.packages(c("ggrepel","formattable","kableExtra","ggdist...
dir(pandas) ['BooleanDtype', 'Categorical', 'CategoricalDtype', 'CategoricalIndex', 'DataFrame', 'DateOffset', 'DatetimeIndex', 'DatetimeTZDtype', 'ExcelFile', 'ExcelWriter', 'Flags', 'Float32Dtype', 'Float64Dtype', 'Float64Index', 'Grouper', 'HDFStore', 'Index', 'IndexSlice', 'Int...
However, I think its better to feed read.csv more commands just in case it helps the loading process. In part this is because it can often be somewhat mysterious as to why a file isn't loading into R. I've tried to re-create problems and intentionally create files that should have pr...
New as of version 0.1.2 of the woodson library, there is now a function that can bring in a shapefile (polygons) into R. You can use this function to bring in your spatial data as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, with a data.table as the@dataslot. This function does many of the steps ...
+与其他标准统计软件(如SAS、SPSS和Stata)中的数据集类似,**数据框**(`dataframe`)是R中用于存储数据的一种结构:列表示变量,行表示观测。在同一个数据框中可以存储不同类型(如数值型、字符型)的变量。数据框将是你用来存储数据集的主要数据结构。 +::: + +## 向量 + +向量,`vector`,就是同一类型的...
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3ab5a1d..3cd0a49 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,3 +1,95 @@ # R_beginners -从头写一个适合医学生的R语言零基础入门系列 +> 从头写一个适合医学生的R语言零基础入门系列 + + + +- 本合集的Github项目地址:[R_beginners](...
import os import numpy as np os.chdir('/Users/chuang/Desktop/R/python-r/') text_file = open("height.txt") lines = text_file.read().split('#')[4] data=[] for n in range(1, 5): cdata = lines.split('\n')[n].split(',') cdata = [int(i) for i in cdata] data.append...