将 .libPaths( "your path" ) 写入.Rprofile文件。如下 file.edit('~/.Rprofile') # 没有则创建...
将 .libPaths( "your path" ) 写入.Rprofile文件。如下 file.edit('~/.Rprofile') # 没有则创建...
输入命名: file.edit('~/.Renviron') 打开~/.Renviron 对下面的R_LIBS_USER= 后面的路径进行修改就可以。 R_LIBS_USER="G:/R/R-3.6.3/library
代码语言:javascript 复制 # Set working directory to the location of the package files setwd("E:/offline package R installation") # Read the package filenames and install pkgFilenames <- read.csv("pkgFilenames.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1] install.packages(pkgFilenames, repos = N...
RStudio Package Manager solves these problems by creating a central location for R packages. Administrators specify which packages are approved and can distinguish different groups like “production” or “bleeding edge users”. RStudio Package Manager serves packages in an R-compliant interface ...
There is a default R option for which repos to install from - getOption("repos"). When installing a package using install.packages(), you can provide a repos parameter. The default value of that parameter is getOption("repos"). This para...
Some R packages require other software and libraries to be installed on the host server in order for the R package to function. This repository is used inshinyapps.ioto install those dependencies if a user's shinyapp utilizes an R package that requires other libraries/software to be install....
在RStudio中,可以单击“Packages” —> ‘‘Install”—> type package name(如ALDEx2),然后选择从“Repository(CRAN,CRANextra)”或“Package Archive File(.zip;. tar.gz)“安装(如果在计算机中下载了R包)—> click “Install” to install additional packages。安装后,可以通过以下命令将软件包加载到R或R...
>install.packages('path/to/packages.tar.gz',repos=NULL,type='source') ##从本地文件安装4.2)查看包 查看所有的包 >library() 查看默认包 >getOption('defaultPackages') 查看当前环境中所含有的包 print(.packages()) 查看包里面所有的函数 >ls("package:GenomicFeatures") ...
Ubuntu 24rstudio-2024.12.0-467-amd64-debian.tar.gz294.32 MB afbaa0f9 OpenSUSE 15rstudio-2024.12.0-467-x86_64-fedora.tar.gz293.11 MB ce8824ca Fedora 34/Red Hat 8rstudio-2024.12.0-467-x86_64-fedora.tar.gz293.06 MB f8fc9b51 Fedora 36/Red Hat 9rstudio-2024.12.0-467-x86_64-fedora....