Full screen: 'client=true/server=false' Actual Full screen: 'client=false/server=false' This is a regression from taking xterm.js 2.9.2:#1444late in the 1.1 release. Problem not in xterm.js, but in a change in how RStudio code needed to detect alt-buffer. Easy one-line fix, coming...
Which puts more evidence toward the hypothesis above that Quarto isn't correctly detecting this edge case and auto-correcting for it. 👍1 cderv commented on Oct 2, 2023 cderv on Oct 2, 2023 Contributor Quarto should now do the right thing (quarto-dev/quarto-cli@526d38a). I got ...
setting verbose=TRUE causes rstudio to crash with errors. The full verbose output of the command is below. Removing the verbose=TRUE option allows the operation to complete successfully. Also, this does not seem to affect CSVs. Attached is a small sample file ...
An important issue about validity is whether individual responses reflect individuals' characteristics truly or not. Examining individuals' score patterns with person-fit statistics is one way to detect invalid responses. PerFit Package can be used for detecting aberrant response patterns. This article ...
checkFF() (used by R CMD check) does a better job of detecting calls from other packages, including not reporting those where a function has been copied from another namespace (e.g. as a default method). It now reports calls where .NAME is a symbol registered in another package. On ...
The first step running any script, not only WGCNA, is to define the working directory. Then, we need to load the packages you will use for the analysis. For WGCNA, you need to define that strings will not be considered like factors and also enable multithread to allow the algorithm run...
A more formal, mathematical way of detecting heteroskedasticity is what is known as the Breusch-Pagan test. It involves using a variance function and using a χ2χ2-test to test the null hypothesis that heteroskedasticity is not present (i.e. homoskedastic) against the alternative hypothesis th...
// fallback to detecting using script (sometimes we are unable to // call R successfully immediately after a system reboot) // // we do not attempt to do this if we were loading R via module // because we do not actually have a path to R to attempt these // workarounds if (pR...
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Boost version: 1.63.0 -- Using RStudio-provided Boost 1.63.0 -- Performing Test HAVE_SCANDIR_POSIX -- Performing Test HAVE_SCANDIR_POSIX - Success ...